P.O. BOX 127, WEST HALIFAX, VT 05358

Conservation Commission DRAFT Meeting Minutes

Thursday, June 24, 2021, at 6:30 PM

Meeting on Zoom (Location: or call +19292056099,,7814490827#)

Attendees: Stephan Chait (Chair; SC), Dov Towler (Member; DT), Jess Cooney (Member; JC), Lesley Pollitt (LP), Laurel Copeland (Clerk; LC), Mary Horne (MH), Sue Kelly (SK), Andrea Rand (AR).

CALL TO ORDER at 6:35 pm



Regular Meeting Minutes of May 27, 2021 –   approved.


Selectboard Appointments – SC thanked LH for her 2-plus years of service on her 1-year appointment and welcomes LP to the HCC.

Election of Chair, Clerk and Treasurer – HCC must have Chair, Clerk, and Treasurer. SC was nominated to be Chair; all were in favor (SC abstained). SC nominated LC to be Clerk; all were in favor (LC abstained). SC nominated LP to be Treasurer; all were in favor (LP abstained).

Open Meetings Laws – emergency measures have been rolled back therefore Open Meeting Law is back in force. HCC needs a physical location (Town Office) with a person present at that location. There will be a remote option. There must be a time; location & time must be posted ahead of time. With 5 members, no 3 of the HCC can discuss HCC business outside of a public meeting.

Composting waste food workshop in Halifax – SC reported that WSW can take their composting workshop on the road around Windham County. Athena Lee Bradley of WSW can explain how to compost food waste in your back yard without attracting animals. Athena suggested a Saturday demo starting at 4:30 running 90 minutes, or a weeknight starting at 6 pm. HCC needs to set a date and publicize it. Athena helps develop the flyer advertising the event. Weekday versus Saturday: AR suggested having it at the Town Garage. Other venues could be Community Hall or Town Clerk Office parking lot. Members were generally in favor of the Community Hall, and a weekday at 6 pm. Thursday July 29 is proposed. SC will talk with Athena.

Could combine the Beaver Education flyer with the Composting event flyer in a single mailing to the town.


Beavers Educational Flyer – Logistics – SC tackling production this month. AR said to let them know size and number of envelopes to obtain discounted price.

Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles (EV) – Jess talked with Kristine Sweeter, Whitingham Free Public Library, who was excited with the idea. Directed JC to Gig Zboray of the Whitingham Select Board who had many questions about where it would be and how it would be funded and how users would pay.

Green-up Day 2021

Results: JC reported that about 15 people came out that morning to grab green-up bags. There were at least 35 bags dropped off at the school that day. The road crew no longer picks up the full bags, but volunteers might help bring them in. LP suggested having a competition for who brings in the most bags.

OTHER BUSINESS – SC reminded us that we had discussed having an event with Rich Holschuh which got postponed by COVID-19 pandemic. This is part of the Commission’s mission to preserve cultural history and artifacts. The presentation on the Abenaki and First People in the area would involve surrounding towns such as Guilford and Marlboro. DT will contact Rich. Perhaps around Indigenous Peoples Day, October 12th.

HEARING OF VISITORS – Sue Kelly said she has just been appointed Tree Warden of the Town of Halifax. Tristan Roberts (Halifax SB) suggested SK as tree warden. Duties include developing a shade tree preservation plan in conjunction with UVM. SK would like to inventory trees in town. Guarding designated trees and being vigilant regarding pests (emerald ash borer; wooly adelgids). SK proposes working together with the Conservation Commission. A big part of the plan is trees along public roads. MH applauded the idea. JC asked whether there could be a tree identification event. SK agreed there could be and it could include pest identification. DT reported that increasing numbers of pines on Green River Road are dying. SC said a large pine tree on their property was dying. LP is reading a book on how to identify the mother tree.