Halifax Cemetery Commission
Special Meeting
Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2024, at 9:30 AM
Halifax Town Office, 246 Branch Road, West Halifax, VT
Commission Members: Linda Swanson, Gary Rand, Laurel Copeland
DRAFT Minutes
CALL TO ORDER at 9:35 am
APPROVAL OF MINUTES – minutes from special meeting on Sep. 17, 2024, were approved
CHANGES AND/OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA – add discussion of deed requirements for urns on top of caskets
Error in Niles plot map – LS will ask KML to reprint the Niles map (mylar and paper) with the letters corrected. GR & LS will review the West Halifax map.
Halifax Center tree removal – we got one bid on 9 trees plus the large white pine; it is a good bid compared to the previous bid.
FYE2024 activities and expenditures annual report – the Commission reviewed the draft report
FYE2025 activities and planned expenses – current balances are $15,028.58 in the Cemetery account and $1,337.46 in the Restoration account. Discussion revolved around the large costs of Pennel and Center tree removal. The Commission will get more input from contractors regarding their schedule and bids.
Regulations – we say in Regs that “The deed must specify that urns are permitted on top of a casket” but have not been informing purchasers of this; this item is deferred to next meeting.
ADJOURNMENT at 11:12 am
Audio recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/7lQCuVK1lwl5BndAvCoHIJE9O2LdmDv9h2yeQXAISyyeOf7JrUi1Pp87VaMtQGE.HGPnMv0ICwxeMEMA
Passcode: n7=#7vT9