Halifax Cemetery Commission

Special Meeting

Tuesday, Sep. 17, 2024, at 9:30 AM

Halifax Town Office, 246 Branch Road, West Halifax, VT

Commission Members: Linda Swanson, Gary Rand, Laurel Copeland


CALL TO ORDER at 9:30 am


APPROVAL OF MINUTES – from special meeting on March 25, 2024


CHANGES AND/OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA – software to make better maps; Niles abutter




FYE2024 activities and expenditures –

LC will put in for reimbursement for the plot marker caps, donate the related tools to the Cemetery Commission.


Cornerstones were installed in Niles for 1 client. A plot was selected in Worden for 1 client; plotting & pins the south end of Worden is needed. GR will prepare the deed, using the plot ID number and referring to the survey.


FYE2025 activities and planned expenses –

Mowing amount will increase a little because Justin is taking over Stafford & Worden 2-3 times per summer. New: 2 ash trees in Worden need to be cut down; Pennel Hill ~50 trees; Center birch and some ash & cherry trees leaning in and ultimately clear cut the back section.


GR and LC will submit bills for items purchased and machinery used.


Need to have a way to annotate survey maps with purchases. E.g., need 2 paper copies, 1 that stays in the Town Office, 1 that we update in the field. The Commissioners will also keep a list of new burials identified by plot number.


Potential revision of Halifax Cemetery Regulations regarding the right to exchange plots – what would Town Clerk need to receive a deed for an empty plot back and issue a new one in a different cemetery? Quit claim deed. Do current Vermont regulations cover this, because town must buy back a plot if owner wants? But would the price be the same?




Surveys of West Halifax and Niles additions – several plots were dropped because they were too close to the roadway. Surveyor Lackey will fix the plot map for West Halifax.


In Halifax Center Cemetery, the plots on the left accommodate cremains only.


Fencing is required for the new part of Niles. Need a quote from Brattleboro company, another?


Plot software – can we buy this? Get a grant? Our plot maps are poor. Ask Todd Stewart of Wilmington.


Niles abutter complained the cemetery was on his property: the commissioners will prepare a letter including the survey offering to meet with him.






ADJOURNMENT at 10:28 am.