Regular Meeting, Thursday, June 27, 2024, at 6:30 PM

Remote Participation ONLY

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Attendees: Stephan Chait (Chair; SC), Mary Horne (Member; MH), Lesley Pollitt (Treasurer; LP), Dov Towler (Member; DT), Laurel Copeland (Secretary; LC), Linda Huebner (LH), Edee Edwards (EE), Bonnie Brown (BB)


CALL TO ORDER at 6:30 pm




APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES – Regular Meeting Minutes of May 23, 2024, were approved with minor edits.



Town Trails – Selectboard discussion on Town Trails / References in the Town Plan and in the Zoning Regulations – The Orange Book from VTrans defines trails “Trails are public rights-of-way which are not highways and are generally used for recreational purposes. They may be previously designated town highways or may be newly laid out (19 V.S.A. § 301(8) and 775). There is no minimum width required, and the ROW may be the full width of a section of highway or the width needed for a foot path. The municipality has no statutory maintenance obligations for trails, even as to bridges and culverts.”


Trails provide a legal right of way (i.e., the public can use it). EE explained that there has been development on trails, leading to multiple issues. EE believes new development on a legal trail is not permitted without going before the zoning board. Legal trails cannot be road frontage (road frontage is required for lots being developed for inhabitation). The SB oversees driveway permits. The Town Plan talks about legal trails and recommends having a recreation committee to address trail-related issues. The town has 9.2 miles of legal trails. Pieces of trails may be reclassified (e.g., part of Thurber Road rather recently).

What do we do when a legal trail develops a beaver pond on it?

Do we have to have access to cemeteries on legal trails?

Can land be developed on a legal trail? Does that change its nature?

Is there time pressure on this matter? Yes, someone wanted to buy land on a legal trail and possibly develop it. They wanted to put gravel on it.

What are the conservation issues on legal trails?

Can someone put utilities to a property on a legal trail?

The town of Hartland, VT, has a legal trails policy online at


Open Meeting Law and Requirements for Conservation Commission meetings – As of July 1, 2024, in-person option will be required. SC asked EE if the Conservation Commission is an advisory body or a non-advisory body as presented in Act 133 (S. 55).


Update on Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center (BEEC) grant and the Protection of Town Culverts – BEEC has additional funds for beaver education. LH is interested to know whether there are adverse impacts of the beaver pond on school property.



Review of Water Quality Plan for the Deerfield River Watershed – Draft Plan for Basin 12


Protection of the culvert on Jacksonville Stage Road at Gates Farm – Beaver Deceiver working well but it appears that there are no beavers left. At the school, the dam near Sprague Road is in good repair and the water has pooled behind it. But near the disc golf area in the school woods, the channels are nearly dry and an abandoned lodge is visible, clearly without an underwater access.




HEARING OF VISITORS – BB spoke about old growth forest and offered to arrange a walk into an old hemlock stand with the owner. The members of the Conservation Commission are interested in visiting the hemlock stand.


ADJOURNMENT at 7:31 pm.