Committee meeting was called to order at 6:13pm on Tuesday, June 13, 2024.  In attendance was Kathy Coulombe, Gary Rand, Joan Courser, Tina Blais and Patty Dow.


Topics of discussion included this years celebration and next years Old Home Day Week.


It was discussed to have a lawn party style of celebration in August 2024 with possible cornhole competitions with 2-3 age groups, softball games, story hour with a snack and craft for the littles.  Other ideas tossed around were bingo, car show, drive in movie where kids could decorate a cardboard box and “drive in” to a movie, cookoff, which last time that brought a lot of people out, firemans muster, bouncy houses, lunch at the café, great duck race, balsom wood race, hay rides, and a band to close out the evening.


It was tentatively decided to hold this years celebration on Saturday, July 24 pending finalizing the days events and checking on a band. The following is a list of items that will be looked into and reported on at next meeting:


Kathy:           will look into the pinewood cars and a race

Gary:            will look into a carshow, speak to the Halifax Café about possible lunch for the celebration, Bouncy house and he will speak to the Bakery in Jacksonville about a donation.

Patty:            will follow up with groove prophet, write the minutes, speak to joel about bingo, and will speak with Lewis Sumner and Sue Longe about using their lawns for the celebration events.

Tina:             Will look into building a set of cornhole boards, and will start preparing the donation letter from local businesses, also will talk to the Jacksonville General Store about a dinner booth.

Joan:            Will speak with Malcolmn about hayrides.


Next meeting was set for Thursday, June 27 @ 6:00 pm at the Halifax Town Office.


Meeting was adjourned at 7:37.