MAY 29, 2024



Edee Edwards called the meeting to order on May 29, 2024 at 4:00pm. Selectboard members present in the room were Edee Edwards, Rhonda Ashcraft, Patrick McAllister and Karen Christofferson.Tristan Roberts joined the meeting remotely.

Mike Fournier was the only visitor in the room.No visitors participated remotely.


Edwards noted that the Treasurer’s Notice for the Scott Fund distribution request for the budget shortfall presented at Town Meeting needs to be added to the Agenda.

Roberts asked if new items could be added to a Special Meeting Agenda. Christofferson replied that this was a preapproved topic discussed at Town Meeting and in subsequent Selectboard meetings.  Edwards said it would be added to Old Business but it should be reaffirmed at the next regular meeting.


Open chipper bids (15 minutes)

Three bids were received from two companies. Edwards and Ashcraft opened the bids.

Edwards opened the first bid from:

Champlain Valley Equipment

Berlin, Vermont

Mr. Jason Baker

Received on May 20, 2024


$73,436 less $4,000 trade in equals net price of $69,436

Model: 15”


Ashcraft opened the two remaining bids from:

Beauregard Equipment

Concord, New Hampshire (to be confirmed)

Mr. Randy Lebel

Received on May 15, 2024


Price: $71,000 less $6,000 trade in equals net price of $65,000

Model: Morbark 1621 x 15”, gas powered


Price: $72,400 less $6,000 trade in equals net price of $66,400

Model: Morbark BVR16 – 16” chipping capacity, gas powered

The net prices for the three bids are (i) $69,436 (ii) $65,000 and (iii) $66,400

Fournier noted that the Town currently has a Morbark chipper. Fournier asked for the authority to ask about the immediate availability of equipment for the three bids under consideration in order to complete the purchase by June 30, 2024.

At 4:12pm Fournier left the room to call the vendors to determine availability.

Upcoming bids for materials or commodities (before July 1) (15 minutes)

This item deferred while Fournier was out of the meeting. (Note: Fournier noted after the meeting that this topic was never discussed as planned. It will be added to the next agenda.)


Scott Fund Distribution to cover Budget Shortfall

McAllister described a letter received from the Town Treasurer requesting a distribution from Scott Fund to cover the anticipated budget shortfall.  The anticipated shortfall is estimated to be $75,488.58 as of June 15, 2024.  The letter further notes that there is a residual amount of $10,285.47 on the Balance Sheet in a cash account for Scott Fund representing excess cash from the Town Garage. We can use the $10,285.84 to reduce the current request. If the line item account is closed in this manner the current request for funding is $65,202.74. The Treasurer expects that in Mid-June we will have a better idea of future funding needs.

Christofferson noted that the calculation provided by the Town Treasurer indicates a current cash position of $930.82

Edwards noted that the balance could constitute an emergency and moved that the Selectboard members present sign the letter authorizing the use of the Balance Sheet line item of $10,285.84 to cover the anticipated partial shortfall and requesting the Trustees of Public Funds obtain $65,202.74 from the Scott Fund.  Roberts Seconded.  McAllister asked, as a matter of procedure, if we needed a motion in this instance.

Edwards replied that anytime there is a significant or unusual expenditure it is best to have the approval in the Minutes and it also provides the members of the Selectboard the ability to ask questions.

Motion carried 5-0

The Selectboard Members present signed the letter and returned original to Treasurer.

NEW BUSINESS (continued)

4:23PM  Fournier returned to the meeting and reported that Beauregard Equipment said that the 15’ Chipper is in stock now and that the 16’ Chipper will be available in early July.

Edwards moved to accept the bid from Beuregard Equipment for the 15” Chipper for $65,000 after the $6,000 trade in.  McAllister seconded. No further discussion. Approved 5-0


A brief discussion ensued regarding the balance of the Town Pledge to the Highway department.  The department was awarded $90,456.46 from which it has expended $11,500 on box blades and the Chipper cost of $65,000 now results in a balance of $13,956.  Fournier suggested that the funds be used to purchase a leaf blower that would go on the Loader.  This would save the highway department team a lot of time during fall cleanup.


Edwards noted that this amount is under the $25,000 purchasing policy level requiring bids. Fournier was authorized to complete the purchase of a leaf blower for the Loader.


Fournier reported that he received complaints from two members of the highway roadcrew who had experienced vehicles operating in a dangerous/high speed manner on Deer Park Road.  Fournier said that one vehicle flashed its lights at the crew and a second vehicle swerved at the crew on the roadside without slowing down.

Christofferson asked if the crew had positive identification of the vehicles and if such activity had happened before.  Fournier said it was not just a “he said/she said” and that one of the vehicles had multiple conflicts with the town.  Edwards suggested that the Road Commissioner speak with the individual.  Roberts and Christofferson said that they believed this was a situation that would be better handled by the Sheriff.  A discussion ensued.  Edwards encouraged Fournier to contact the Windham Sheriff’s office and provided him with the non-emergency phone number (802) 365-4942


Edwards Moved to adjourn the meeting. Ashcraft Seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

4:36 Meeting adjourned and recording turned off.




Respectfully submitted,

Karen Christofferson, Secretary Pro Tempore