NOVEMBER 25, 2024




6:02pm Edee Edwards called the special meeting to order.  (Recording started @ 5:55pm). Additional members present in the room were Rhonda Ashcraft, Karen Christofferson, and Randall Pike. Tristan Roberts attended remotely. No others joined the meeting.



Pike noted that the Town Website is showing November 23, 2024 for the Agenda vs November 25, 2024.  Edwards noted that the notice via MailChimp went out 2x.

Christofferson asked that time be allocated to note resume received for open Highway position and for a Town Clerk email regarding Record Retention policy.


Edwards said she would like to use a two part process to enter Executive Session this time.

First: Edwards moved to consider going into Executive Session to consider matters for which premature general knowledge would disadvantage the Town to consider information under Attorney Client privilege citing 1 VSA 313(a)(1)(F). Ashcraft Seconded. The motion carried 5-0

Second: Edwards moved to go into Executive Session to consider matters for both appointment interview followup under 1 VSA313(a)(3) and matters of legal consultation. Ashcraft Seconded. The motion carried 5-0


6:08pm Recording paused. Edwards noted there were no visitors in the room nor remotely.

7:17pm Edwards brought the meeting out of Executive Session.

No decisions were made in Executive Session.


Edwards noted that there is possible follow-up on the legal matter though nothing in particular to do at this point and possible follow-up on appointment. Edwards reported that we reviewed and discussed references.  Edwards recognized that the person we are hiring has a familial relationship with our current Town Clerk/Town Treasurer. Edwards further noted that we do understand that our personnel policy has a section on nepotism. Which is potential conflicts of interest that can occur in a workplace when one person supervises another or evaluates another person who is a close relative. Edwards noted that, in this case, the Administrative Assistant to the Selectboard position does not report to the Town Clerk/Treasurer.  One of the things we are aware of is that training is up to the Selectboard to make sure this person is ready to go.  Edwards noted this is the most qualified candidate that we want to work with and recognize we are getting into the busy season and want to bring Emily Dow on board. Edwards will finalize the offer letter.

Edwards recognized the busy schedule and that we are going into very busy budget season and we need to schedule budget meetings and get them on the calendar tonight.

Edwards also noted that our Town Meeting book needs to be done in early January. Edwards asked if the Selectboard would consider asking the other candidate for the Administrative Assistant role if she would be willing to help with Town Meeting Report so that that burden plus budget stuff isn’t also on one person.  Pike said that as long as it was separate roles from what the Administrative Assistant will be doing it might be beneficial. Christofferson agreed, as long as it isn’t dual processing and noted that the Halifax Secretary email receives the incoming information so would have to print that information and set aside for the candidate we want to ask to take on the Town Meeting book so it is her responsibility.  Ashcraft asked if it was the Auditor.

Edwards noted that it used to be the Auditor role to do the Town Meeting Book and that we have 2 open Auditor positions that we need to warn. A discussion followed regarding keeping the Auditor and Town Meeting book roles separate.

Edwards asked the Selectboard to consider a temporary hire to prepare the Town Report.

Pike recalled that people had been asked in previous meetings to volunteer for roles to help the Town. One person was interested in Town matters and maybe we could get one or two people to work on the Town Book and that we need to do the Town Book. Edwards also noted we need to get the call out for Auditors.  Then we can make appointments for the Auditor role.

Edwards noted we have a meeting coming up December 3rd. We can think about it.  Edwards noted that volunteers are tapped out and worries about this role.  Christofferson noted that the process is in place. Edwards noted the Tracking Worksheet is available.  Christofferson noted that she has the Adobe software and that she also has the password for the Administrative Assistant laptop so we just need to get it fired up.

Christofferson asked if we were going to make a temporary hire for the Town Book or defer to next meeting. Ashcraft said “lets do it”. Edwards initiated the discussion about how much the role would pay. Pike noted the hourly range of $20 hour for the larger role. Pike asked if there is a way to ask the person to volunteer before making a paid offer. Edwards said she isn’t comfortable asking someone who came in to interview for a paid role to then be asked to volunteer for it. A discussion followed. Edwards noted that last year the time to prepare the book was 3 hours so if 30 hours at $20 hour resulting in a $600 estimated cost.

Edwards moved to offer Gina DiPaolo a temporary position for Town Report production at $20 per hour. Ashcraft Seconded. 5-0


Edwards noted a resume received for the open highway position and the candidate looks well qualified and we should bring this person in for an interview. There may be another candidate. Edwards proposed both candidates be brought in for an interview as long as the Road Supervisor agrees that they should come in.  No motion necessary.

Correspondence matter for record retention of emails received today from Town Clerk. Christofferson distributed the information. Christofferson asked that the Selectboard review the materials and that it come onto an Agenda at a later date.

Discussion ensued to keep regular meetings in December focused on Budget matters.

Edwards noted that we need to have time for other matters to come before the Selectboard.

Budget meetings were scheduled for:

  • Saturday – December 14, 2024 for 3:30pm to 6:30pm

7:41pm Roberts left the meeting

  • Saturday – December 7, 2024 for 3:30pm to 6:30pm
  • Tuesday – December 17, 2024 6:00pm put as much time as we can for the budget

Christofferson noted that last year the Warning was signed on February 2nd and the Raise & Appropriate day was February 12th. We had Special meetings starting November 28th. Christofferson and Edwards will get a list with key topics


None in attendance



7:47pm Christofferson moved to adjourn. Pike seconded. The motion carried 4-0

Edwards offered everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and expressed her particular thanks for the Halifax volunteers.

Recording stopped

Respectfully submitted by Karen Christofferson, Secretary Pro Tempore