December 7th, 2023
Edee Edwards called the meeting to order at 3:30pm. Other Selectboard members present were: Emily Dow, Randy Pike, Karen Christofferson and Tristan Roberts. Members of the public were Stephen Chait, Stephanie Pike and Patty Dow.
FY26 Budget planning has begun.
The current FY24 Deficit is present but not finalized until Patty Dow can take a detailed look at it.
Halifax has been growing with recent updates including a new Town Garage Roof that was $83,000; as well as asking the voters to approve the purchase of the Equipment Loader and Excavator. Despite not being in the original budget, funds from overpayment as well as obtaining extra funds from FEMA due back from floods of 2023.
Stephanie Pike and Patty Dow arrived at the meeting in person at 3:40pm
Stephen Chait mentioned: Taxes have raised 21% largely due to the education component. He expressed that the budget should be conscious to what everyone is currently paying. What part is municipal versus education: shown on Tax schedule and bill.
Stephanie Pike spoke about an article mentioning the property tax will raise 5%. *Reference the article or where to find it*
Karen Christofferson and Patty Dow created a Budget Worksheet up to current FY25. This spreadsheet is meticulously crafted in grave detail to show transparency and utmost accuracy on all expenditures within and out of the budget. Questions we ask about managing the budget include: Does the bill get leveled and give the townspeople no change? Does the bill get cut or risen? Ideally, the budget should be accounted for extra costs to happen that may be unforeseeable or unpredicted. Randy Pike expressed concern to only spend the budget where necessary and cut down on extra costs.
Surplus Deficit Sheet
The Surplus Deficit sheet is a document of record for financial changes. A line item was removed for a tax rebate. The table should show at the end of FY25 we had a deficit versus a backfill. It is Self funded as seen in the spreadsheet also includes reserve funds, but only if it’s stated in an article. FY24 didn’t have any in articles as they were included in the budget.
Selectboard Discretion Analysis Sheet
Looking at line item 118: It is newly added to reflect the initial budget. It is noted that the town does not have to accrue the amount you see for FY26, only the backfill amount. Edits may add a row to show more transparency in where funds and costs come from. Added Line 117: Budget Deficit to reflect related number on Surplus Deficit page.
Selectboard Needle Moovers
Please note that the amounts shown in the spreadsheet are from the actual budget line items.
- Line item that shows a 38% increase from current year and suggests that the next year may reflect on it. As there are many factors included in the Secretary Assistant position, as time progresses, there may be adjustments made to the position such as level fund for FY26 and longer term expansion.
- FICA line item is a fixed cost so, in order to see the amount, we first have to finalize all employee’s salary at the very end of the budget term and reassess.
- Child care is a new tax Halifax endured and had the option to have employees cover .11% as the town covers .33% for a total of .44% to assist in paying the taxes the state imposed. The board is making a change that is impacting all employees and needs further discussion.
- Looking to delete line item 179: Computers and Software as the data is included in account 6330.
- Looking at Accounting Services and proposing to change the budget to account for the audit for FY25. Karen and Emily will work on retrieving auditor bids. For which audit needs to be done by January 2026, audits will start Fall of 2025.
- Ballot Clerk budget is flexible as there are On-Years and Off-Years for elections and intermittent use of Ballot Clerks.
- In reference to the bridge construction, it is the Selectboard’s responsibility rather than the Highway Dept. Therefore, Structures Grants can be obtained and can help with the costs as well as basing on historic notes, the Reserve Fund may benefit from an increase to prepare for future projects.
- Fire Equipment and Gear budget should be risen to better serve the needs of the department. Line item for the Fire Equipment and Gear will be level fund for FY26 plus $1K previously allocated via Article 7 for FY25.
- Contracted Ambulatory Services: The price for coverage has risen 1% for the next 3 years. The Town of Halifax is unable to provide its own ambulatory service at this time.
- County Tax: Amounts are not fixed as data isn’t available until later in the year. Budget can and should reflect past years and potential increases.
- Rent for the school and Town Office building: The idea is to reduce tax payer costs overall.
- Reappraisal Reserve Fund: This is preferred to be prefunded so the bill is attainable with structure. As this takes 3 years to finish, it’s proposed to increase the funding. This also takes consideration in receiving the funds obtained by the state.
- Auditors are responsible for determining the salaries of the Selectboard and it’s open for discussion to decrease the amount given.
Tristan left the meeting at 5:40pm
- Town Clerk, Patty Dow mentioned the cost of living increased 3.2% for FY24.
- Constable/ACO: It would be beneficial to have an Animal Control Ordinance. The Windham County Sheriff’s Office can provide ACO services for $2,700. Townspeople benefit from this service as it’s now available.
- Telephone and Internet: Speaking about switching to DV Fiber with internet and phone service. It is dependent on number of phone lines able to be hooked up. Estimated monthly internet savings is roughly $250 or $3,000 annually.
- Ad & Legal Services: This includes any time something is added to the newspaper. Amount increased to better service different factors.
- Office Supplies budget dropped due to current working amount of paper generously donated by the Farrington’s.
- Selectboard supplies and mileage: Decreased slightly to reflect light use.
At 6:27pm we stopped at Row 37.
The topic during the next meeting will be about the highway and their expenditures.
No visitors wanted to speak
Randy Pike made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:30pm. Karen Christofferson seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Emily Dow
Halifax Administrative Assistant
Recording Link: