January 10, 2025



Edee Edwards called the meeting to order at 6:01pm. This meeting is remote-hybrid. Other Selectboard members present were Karen Christofferson, Rhonda Ashcraft, Randy Pike and Tristan Roberts with Secretary Assistant Emily Dow. Town Clerk/Treasurer Patty Dow was present. Members of the town and public present were Gina DePaolis, Stephan Chait, Stephanie Pike, Nancy McRea and Karin Larkin.


  • Finalizing & signing the Purchase Order for the John Deere Loader with also conversation about the Warranty
  • Sign the Arbitration Agreement for the Chevrolet 6500 Truck
  • Update on easement for Hatch School Road
  • Update on Audit


FY25 budgeting

Large Equipment Purchase

Christofferson sent an Intent To Buy for the John Deere Loader.

In addition, the Purchase Order will account for adding Winter tires.

  • Loader comes with a 12 month Warranty and anything beyond that is extended.
  • Comprehensive coverage includes 60 months & 6000 hours
    • Covers all major components of the machine such as radio, AC and more. 
  • Powertrain and Hydraulics covers: motor, transmission, drivetrain and major hydraulic components.
  • Travel time to road service is not included in the Warranties.
  • The town’s current loader averaged 600 hours a year or 3000 hours in 5 years.
    • The option with 6000 hours will be much larger than needed however, the 60 months is appreciated.
    • The years in which the Loader is covered is more important than the amount of hours which will not be reached. 

Edwards made a motion to have Christofferson follow up on the details of what the Comprehensive Plan and what it includes for the PowerGard Protection Plan and go with the first choice of 3000 hours and 60 months for the Comprehensive Plan. For the second choice to choose the 3000 hours and 60 months Powertrain and Hydraulics Plan.

Randy seconded the motion.

Motion carries 4-0.


Tristan joined the meeting at 6:12pm

Fiscal year 2025 Audit Update

Christofferson spoke with Bonnie Batchelder, who conducted the Audit for Fiscal 22.

Batchelder said conducting a 3 year audit is difficult and will not save the town much money. Everything must balance and have a gained comfort level that all activity during that period is clearly stated and can be relied on.

The standards have changed over the last few years; such as the use of NEMRC rather than QuickBooks.

Christofferson will work with Patty to transition to NEMRC as well as possibly auditing annually. 

Requirements from the townspeople had voted to have a Formal Audit done every 3rd year as it can be costly.

Taxpayers receive and gain comfort levels from the audit such as financial stability from the town and transparency.

Christofferson suggests that audits should be done annually as they are detailed and should ensure the town balances in their finances.

  • Edwards suggests observing the Town’s Debt Capacity amongst other items. 

Batchelder Associates is best suited to conduct the FY25 audit as they have prior work with the town. 

  • There is stability and security in using the same auditor versus changing due to other reasons such as auditor cost. 

Pencil Sharpening

Christofferson briefly explained some budget spreadsheets including: Town’s Trucks and Equipment, Replacement Equipment Schedule and Future Equipment Schedule which includes the Interest, Principals, Values and other price items associated. 

The Equipment schedule shows the town’s equipment as well as target replacement year

  • Target Replacement Years: Grader possibly in 2026 and Tractor possibly in 2029.

The Selectboard looked through the overall budget and bottom line last Tuesday: Beginning with showing an 8.6% overall increase

  • Addition and reduction adjustments were made and the current bottom line shows a 5.05% overall increase
  • Paving is a large contributor in reducing the bottom line as it was cut by $300k then another $25k ending with a total budget of $275k

The current 5.05% increase is directly related to the purchase of the Loader and Excavator as both budget amounts are currently placeholders. 

Tristan left the meeting at 8:26pm


Town Report Book- Progress and Action Items

Gina DePaolis is in contact with the printer and the deadline is beginning of February to ensure timely printing.

Many items have to be completed prior to January 31st.

The town will order 150 copies of the Town Report with the final binding and 25 copies without binding for easy mailing if needed.

Town Meeting- Informational Meeting

Edwards and DePaolis are scheduled to meet on January 15th at 7pm to work on the Town Report.

Writing the Town Meeting Warning Articles

Selectboard will continue to write articles for the town meeting warning.


No visitors wished to speak.


Ashcraft made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:08pm

Christofferson seconded the motion

Motion passed 4-0


Respectfully submitted, 

Emily Dow

Halifax Administrative Assistant 


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