January 28, 2025



Edee Edwards called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. This meeting is remote-hybrid. Other Selectboard members present were Karen Christofferson, Rhonda Ashcraft, Randy Pike and Tristan Roberts with Secretary Assistant Emily Dow. Highway Supervisor Mike Fournier was present. Members of the town and public present were Mary Brewster, Nancy McRea and Lori Marchegiani.


Moved up Hearing of Visitors to speak about New Business highway position opening. 


Conversation about the highway department position reopening 

Lori Marchegiani is running for office. Wish her luck! 


The Highway Department Position Opening, Advertising and Budget Impact

As for the Budget Impact: The Selectboard budgeted for hiring someone at $23 an hour but would like to raise it to $25 as Vermont is second in the country for unemployment rate. 

Mike Fournier has worked with the Road Crew since 2007 and expressed concerns over pressing issues such as; working 45 hour plus work weeks, the loss of uniforms but, receiving Uniform Allowance in return, washing and causing wear and tear on personal road crew washing machines. 

With future talk about employee health insurance, some thoughts would be to shift some of the cost to the employees with a plan that may have a higher deductible in hopes of seeing the health insurance plans be used rather than paying for unused insurance. The higher deductible cost could be offset from having extra funds in the employee’s salaries rather than paying an insurance company. Limited tax base, and high quality road crew that enjoys their job. 

Tristan expressed looking out for the town’s taxpayers as we have a limited tax base but also strive for a high quality road crew that’s enjoys their time on the highway department. 


Karen would like to make a motion to allow advertising spending up to $2000 for the Highway Department position. 

Randy seconded the motion. 

Motion carries 5-0.


Professional Audit and the NEMRC software with the transition cost 

Fiscal 2022 was the last professional audit for which was mentioned as a strong recommendation to the town to move away from QuickBooks and into the NEMRC software. 

The town would use 4 modules from the NEMRC system which are; Accounts Payable, Payroll, Cash Receipts, and Fixed Assets. We can obtain this right away and fund it for FY25 for FY26 and the total cost $7180. We have owned the General Ledger but never used it so that’s a bonus. The 50 hour consultation is $14,430 payable across FY25 and FY26. 

Edee made a motion to begin the conversion to NEMRC; and purchase the four modules we need and pay for those in FY26; and do a conversion consultation with them for $145 an hour that would be billed during the current fiscal year with the expectation that the cost is $7250. Rhonda seconded. Motion carries 5-0 

Professional Audit and Batchelder Associates costs

Karen reached out to Batchelder Associates who has completed Halifax Town Audits in the recent past years. Doing a 3 year audit is difficult, as the last one was done in 2022, and doesn’t save the town much money. Even though years are skipped, those balances still have to be verified and carried over and that all activity if fairly stated from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. Standards have also changed over the years including the NEMRC software. 

In the 2021 warning, the town raised an appropriation not to exceed $15,000 for funding a  professional audit. Following that, the town voted to remove the Office of Auditor and appoint a Vermont Licensed Certified CPA Firm to conduct financial audits beginning with FY 2020. 2023 Article for town to authorize audits by a public accountant in this state every third year, and that passed which now brings us to 2025. The average cost is $24,000 with the assumption that it’s reflective of our internal control profile; which includes VLCT training for the Treasurer and move to NEMRC. 


Edee made a motion to move ahead with the audit cost proposal we received from Batchelder Associates on January 


Edwards made a motion to proceed with Batchelder Associates with a high estimate of $48,500. 

Tristan seconded the motion

Motion carries 5-0 


That will give us review and testing of FY23 and FY24 and a full audit of FY25, the high estimate is $48,500. 

Finalize Budget for Town Warning

Updates were made to the budget to move closer to finalizing. Inclusions with the excavator and loader were added such as Hydroseeding. 

EMD Expense was looked at further. A radio may be purchased this current fiscal year but a budget will be finalized with necessities. 

Changes and increases to the FY26 budget include Bridges and 

Finalize and Sign Warning for Town Meeting Day

Edits and updates were made to the official Town Warning carefully and meticulously listing all the inclusions within each Article. 

Finalized the Selectboard Report for the 2025 Town Report


Rhonda made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Randy seconded the adjourn. Motion carries 5-0. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Emily Dow

Halifax Administrative Assistant 

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