Tuesday, January 7th, 2025
Edee Edwards called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. This meeting is remote-hybrid. Other Selectboard members present were Karen Christofferson, Rhonda Ashcraft, Randy Pike and Tristan Roberts with Secretary Assistant Emily Dow. Highway Supervisor Mike Fournier was present. Town Clerk/Treasurer Patty Dow was present. Members of the town and public present were Mary Brewster, Stephan Chait, Stephanie Pike and Nancy McRea
- Correspondence: Certificate for Highway Mileage
- Selectboard Order includes the Highway Orders
- Tristan will update on Old Business: MERP
Financing for Large Equipment
The Board received information from 2 dealers in the bid award process:
- Beauregard with the CASE Excavator
- United Forestry and Construction with the John Deere Loader.
Patty will send updates upon receiving information from M&T Bank.
United Construction and Forestry sent 2 proposals for the Loader.
- Municipal Lease option: term of 60 months or 72 months, paid annually, includes $40,000 trade-in. The 72 month has an indicative rate of 6.6%. Halifax has paid annually for equipment prior.
- Paid monthly for 72 months at 8.2%.
The Municipal Lease option has a better rate than the monthly payment option. Halifax has paid annually prior. T\Option 1 is the most suited option for the town.
The comprehensive plan is more expensive and more information is needed regarding a $4K difference. The board is considering a warranty and would need the full purchase price to assess the cost.
As of December 8th, 2024, the 2009 town Loader has 8000 hours of drivetime. An extended warranty will be chosen that best suits the needs of the use of the equipment.
60 Months with 6000 hours is an option but, with more information needed regarding the comprehensive, powertrain and hydraulics
Beauregard Excavator
- Annual payment in Advance: term of 5 to 7 years has a rate of 6.24%. The 7 year option will spread the cost out to taxpayers to an annual amount of $38,296.31. When the lease is signed, the price will be included in current fiscal year pricing. Annual interest savings are more than $2,400 with this option.
Appoint Auditors– The budget is set to $3,500, which sent $1,500 to the chair and the others receive $1,000. Due to Conflict of Interest, the auditors can’t be a spouse of the Selectboard or the Treasurer.
Budget Ongoing Discussions
Rent- With Town Meeting coming up, we have received information from Paul with what the school will have for their material or if their report won’t be in the Town Report book.
Returned check fee/late fee/bank fees and charges are zeroed and hidden as they cannot be predicted or would like to not have these.
Kathryn Shaifer would like to be the auditor as Mary Brewster called her.
Christofferson made a motion to appoint Kathryn Shaifer as auditor
Pike seconded the motion
Motion carries 5-0.
As the Selectboard is finishing up the last budget items while trying to maximize savings, they are moving through the Red and Yellow line items.
- The Bridge reserve fund wasn’t contributed to last year but raised from $25k to $30k for FY26. The town is using 10% of that to fund the Hatch School Project thus, this account will have money coming out of it this year.
- Accounting services increased in anticipation of an Audit.
- Child care tax is .44% and the employee is expected to contribute .11%
- Truck financing was known to increase because of the recent purchase.
- It’s decided to leave out the $42K request to get All-wheel-drive on one of the trucks for work on Pennel Hill
- Did not include unknown budget figure for a compactor as a new piece of equipment was asked for.
- No funding is set for the town truck that is up for replacement
- Ideally the large pieces of equipment will not be in the same timeframe therefore the refurbishment options are different.
Edee attended a VLCT Webinar and shared her findings of which if a town is going to borrow taxpayer money for more than 5 years, it has to be put on a separate article. The board could add an article for the purchases from last August. The Selectboard may put in an article for a new Grader in the next purchase to come.
Health Insurance – The annual budget increase allows for a 5% increase in the premium cost. If that amount is more, there is time to have a conversation with the employees as it’s necessary for time and budgeting to account for these costs.
MERP Update
- Successfully obtained MERP Grant
- Start assessing work within the Grant
- Begin Request for Bids
- Funds have to be spent by the end of 2026
Future Agenda Item: MERP
Mary spoke about our road crew and insurance costs as they may be increased over the years.
No Executive Session was held.
Certificate of Highway Mileage
- Annual documentation of how many miles of road the town maintains
- Foundation for basic State Aid for the highways
- This letter will go bac to VTRANS and record that the highway map and mileage has not changed in the last year
Highway Orders were signed.
The Selectboard orders were signed and Christofferson read the aggregate amount for orders on January 7, 2025 for an order total $32,092.22.
Pike made a motion to adjourn at 8:51pm
Christofferson seconded the motion
Motion passed 4-0
Respectfully submitted,
Emily Dow
Halifax Administrative Assistant
Recording Link: