November 4, 2024
The meeting of the Selectboard was called to order by Edee Edwards at 6:00 PM. Other Selectboard Members present were Tristan Roberts, Rhonda Ashcraft, Karen Christofferson and Randy Pike. Others present online or in person were Stephanie Pike, Mike Fournier, Bob Teree, Nancy McCrea, Joan Livingston, Jennie Crocker, and Kyle Farnsworth.
Edwards noted there was no need for the Executive Session and it will be stricken from the agenda.
Christofferson stated that Mike Fournier has another meeting to attend so agenda items pertaining to him should be discussed. She would like to provide an update for an RFP for the Hatch School road.
Edwards would like to prep for the meeting tomorrow, and discuss an email received.
Edwards acknowledged that she forgot to record the last Selectboard meeting by accident. To be proactive for today’s meeting she attempted to set up a feature that Zoom has to auto record, but it does not seem to be working. This meeting is being recorded.
- Consider refurbishment option for Grader (10 minutes)
The grader replacement schedule indicated that 2025 is its replacement year. Edwards asked Fournier if a refurbishment could be an option. This can help inform next year’s budget, and if it needs to be warned as a separate article for purchase.
Fournier answered that Caterpillar (CAT) will conduct a refurbishment estimate. There will be cost for the estimate of around $1000. Fournier noted that the grader is in better shape than other pieces of equipment, and that could bring a better trade in price. Hours from December 2023 were 6100, and are currently between 8000 and 9000.
An estimate from June 2023 stated a replacement cost of $445,000 for the grader, excluding an estimated trade in of $75,000.
Grader was purchased in 2011 for $289,000.
Pike moved to obtain a refurbishment estimate, Ashcraft seconded. Motion carries 5-0.
- Excavator: Discuss refurbishment; rental; or purchase & financing (40 minutes)
There is approval from taxpayers to purchase and finance for more than 5 years an excavator. Past discussions included refurbishment costs, and there was also discussion around renting an excavator.
Pike noted that he was in favor of a refurbishment, but while looking over the CAT estimate they did not include parts such as the hydraulics and transmission which is concerning. Total refurbishment estimate was $128,665. Excavator was purchased in 2009 for $151,000. 2024 is the target replacement year for 350,000 from 2023 June excluding trade in of $40,000. Total hours as of December 1, 2023 were 7921. Current hours are close to 9000.
There are specific parts in need of refurbishment that creates a high price. Edwards noted that the funds are not in the budget, and we may not be able to obtain a loan for a refurbishment. Options are to tax the town to create the funds.
There was discussion on the issue of being able to get a loan on a new piece of equipment will be easier, and we could trade in.
Pike wanted to discuss with the road crew about renting an excavator prior to the meeting, but did not get the chance to. He talked to Whitingham road commissioner Stanley Janovsky about what they do. Whitingham schedules work that needs an excavator for a window of time and then rent a machine for a period of time, 3 months. The cost is $15,000 for the three months, and $5000-10,000 is usually covered by state grants. Downsides to this is we don’t have the equity and no machine on hand when needed other times of the year.
Fournier noted that the excavator is used frequently, and the state is impressed with the ditch work Halifax road crew has performed. Christofferson supported this statement. Fournier continued expressing the need for an excavator is because it is used on other jobs.
Roberts is hesitant to consider renting an excavator due to the projects planned for the town roads, and regular use. Christofferson agreed, and asked if it makes sense to see if a bank will finance a refurbishment. Ashcraft asked how we much will taxes increase. To which Edwards answered that taxes will increase. Fournier reminded that if certain equipment is not available as in the past then road maintenance could be problematic. He suggested the Selectboard have an equipment replacement plan to avoid this situation where they have to spend time hashing out what to do taking up more time in the process.
Pike said that he feels the refurbishment is off the table due to how high the estimate was.
Edwards remarked that we would still need to purchase a backhoe if the rental route is chosen. Fournier found a used one with 4000 hours for $77,500.
Fournier has a quote from CAT for a new excavator for $350,000 for 10 years financing, with a payment of $4400 to 4500/year, excluding a trade in.
The bank quoted financing for 7 years. Now that town has a small escrow with the bank they may be able to provide longer-term financing for equipment. The Selectboard and town should then decide which piece of equipment they would like to replace/refurbish. Christofferson is willing to contact the bank about this topic. Edwards remarked the debt of the town went down due to replacement times for equipment. This is going to be financially challenging for the town due to the increases in taxes lately.
Pike asked Fournier about if Sourcewell is a helpful organization to use in purchasing equipment. Fournier answered that it was and would most likely decrease the cost of the equipment. There may be an initial cost to joining the organization, but the cost savings are overall beneficial.
Roberts made a motion to put out a bid to purchase an excavator, Edwards seconded. Motion carries 5-0.
- Discuss purchase & financing of loader (30 minutes)
Pike noted the loader is used often in winter to load trucks. It was previously used to clean ditches, but the excavator is used for that. It would be nice to pause on the purchase of this due to the other large equipment purchases.
The loader has 8371 hours of service as of August 2024. It was purchased in 2009 for $106,000, with an average life span is 15 years. Estimated replacement cost of $200,000 to $235,000, with a trade in of $30,000, estimated payment range of $34,000 to $48,000.
Edwards noted the board seems reluctant to spend more money on another piece of equipment. It would benefit the town to spread out equipment purchases in the future.
Pike suggested to request bids from other vendors outside of CAT or John Deere.
Roberts made a motion to put out a bid to purchase a loader, seconded by Christofferson. Motion carries 5-0.
NEW BUSINESS (15 minutes)
- Review applicants for positions to bring in for interviews
2 candidates for Administrative Assistant position. The board would like to bring both in to interview. Edwards will contact them to set up a date.
No highway department applicants. Edwards will advertise another week in Deerfield Valley News, and will try to get it onto Indeed.
- Obtaining ticket citation book
Kyle Farnsworth shared the ticket citation books he has received and will use to document violations of town ordinances. He commented that updating ordinances will allow better enforcement of them. He has been in contact with the board of Civil Authority to gather information about enforcement of ordinances. There are two books that he is in need of and needs a letter of endorsement from the Selectboard indicating so.
Jennie Crocker asked if Farnsworth was the ACO (Animal Control Officer). She is concerned that some dogs are a problem and will there be a type of ordinance for dogs constantly barking, or always outside. This is problematic for her and her animal. Edwards remarked that there were other people who would like an animal town ordinance. The group of concerned citizens have not met to discuss creating an ordinance, and the Selectboard has not been able to devote time to this. Edwards asked if Jen was willing to meet with the other town people regarding this issue, and encouraged her to contact Farnsworth via email
Farnsworth reflected that it is difficult for him when there is not an ordinance in effect as he is the one who is contacted by a town member with a complaint.
Bob Teree requested for his email to be read into the minutes. Roberts noted it is more effective for the visitor to remark on their concerns. Bob shared that he feels he is being targeted for his public records request. He said that a few years back he had a conversation with Fournier about his driveway culvert. The town policy is that that the resident can conduct the work themselves or provide the materials for the town to do the work. He is one resident on a dangerous portion of a road with some narrow spots. He needed to repair the end of his driveway to allow him, and others, to exit safely.
He feels the concerns outlined in previous meetings are false, and are targeting him. He feels that his improvements have increased safety for himself and others who use his driveway. He feels he has saved the town money by doing the work himself. He made his driveway wider, and shifted it down to avoid trees.
He would like to formally request the town to remove specific trees that create an unsafe situation where one car has to stop to allow another to pass. He has spoken to the landowner across the road (Swansons) about the trees in question, and they were fine with the town removing them.
Bob feels that the minutes from two previous meetings do not reflect what was said, and were lies. He also feels that the recording from the last meeting was purposely deleted.
Bob noted that his records request has found the town has exceeded gravel and diesel purchases when compared to surrounding towns. He will supply that research to the board as soon as it is checked over for accuracy.
Christofferson noted the Selectboard did visit the right of way outside of Bob’s property. No one is targeting him, and a FOIA request is a reasonable request that any person can make, and you are provided through appropriate channels everything you asked for. The Selectboard’s job is to make sure the roads are maintained a specific way to ensure safety for all. She asked why he did not get a driveway permit for the work done.
Teree claimed precedent from his past discussion with Fournier.
Edwards noted the Selectboard will review the minutes from the last meeting to ensure accuracy, and will continue to review the case. She noted that the process to get to understanding has been laid out to Bob.
Bob was frustrated that no one has contacted him regarding this issue.
- RFP for Hatch School Road
Earliest to ask for bids is December 3rd meeting. Prior to that there must be a mandatory pre- bid meeting with all parties.
The conservation commission will be consulted regarding the beaver deceiver.
- Future Meeting Agenda
DVFiber is looking for an underground easement; this is a change to their original plan. They are looking to do the work in November. They are asking if there is time to reconsider the ability to conduct road work this late in the season. Christofferson said that they should fill out a permit for the work. Edwards is hopeful the Selectboard can discuss this soon. Also to be discussed is the extra work that was required by the road crew to support the GMP underground work.
8:06 pm motion was made by to adjourn by Pike, seconded by Ashcraft, motion carried 5-0. Recording was stopped.
Respectfully submitted, Stephanie Pike, Secretary Pro Tempore
Recording link: