October 1, 2024
The meeting of the Selectboard was called to order by Edee Edwards at 6:01 PM. Other Selectboard Members present were Tristan Roberts, Rhonda Ashcraft, and Randy Pike. Others present online or in person were Stephanie Pike, Paul & Tina Blais, Bob Leete, Dennis & Tina Annear, Doug and Marilou Parkhurst, , Ryan & Dawn Goudreau, Stephen Chait, Kevin McQuade, John & Marjorie Gilbert, Paula & Arnie Bsullak, Roy Carlson, Wayne Courser, Greg Marguet, Nancy McCrea, Melissa & Greg Dekoschak, Ross Barnett, Jeff Longe, Matt Gancz, Kris Boyko, Paul Croutworst, and GMP guests-Tim Jones & Mike Bernard.
Order of meeting adjusted to accommodate agenda items.
- Add under old business- financing and trade in for F550 truck
- New business- health code violation
- Other business Jacksonville Stage Road
- Switch Pennel Hill potential road closure earlier in the meeting
- Approval of meeting minutes at end
- Pennel Hill road potential winter closure data gathering update
Edwards explained the reason for potential closure was the safety of road crew. 1.5 years ago during a storm the truck lost control and slid down Pennel Hill. There was not a lot of damage to the truck, but it was very concerning close call. Highway employees asked the selectboard to consider seasonal road closure.
The process would require the Town warn a public hearing. During that meeting this would be an opportunity for people to speak, and a site visit must occur. A quasi-judicial process is used for the board to make the decision.
There was discussion of what would be involved in a quasi-judicial hearing, and the VLCT Statutes 19 VSA 302A 3B, & 310 A explains this.
Edwards noted the concern for the road crew safety is a priority in deciding if the road should be closed.
Pike noted that it was one instance of an accident. There are some storms that are worse than others and driving can be more treacherous. Those times of bad conditions are less often.
Roberts stated that GMP have provided feedback about how many storms were the wet heavy snow that cause outages and also change driving conditions. He feels this is a pattern of weather that will continue. The board is noticing the concern from the road crew.
Feedback from townspeople:
How will road closure affect ambulance, fire, and school bus accessibility.
The surrounding towns do not maintain the roads in the winter as well as Halifax.
The extra time on the road can impact busy households with many kids, people who are business owners, and it can increase gas costs, etc.
It was requested whether the document from VLCT be made available to the public so the citizens can be informed. Safety is not an opinion. There should be an analysis of equipment used, and personnel.
Edwards noted our winter maintenance policy is that if the crew works a 14 hour stretch they then must take a break. This is available on the website. Every storm is different, and the board needs to look at all aspects. Avoid being on the road during storms.
The road closure could create more of a financial burden on the town due to more time on the road, more wear and tear on trucks.
Matt Gancz- Frustrated with the solution of closing the road. Have alternatives been considered, such as temporary closure.
Roberts answered that road closure is not the only option being considered. The board has a process to review issues brought up.
Edwards noted open meeting laws requires the board to discuss issues in the open.
Pike stated that at the last open meeting Mike F. said we could do a temporary road closure if the road is dangerous and try to reopen the next day.
Edwards asked how to notify the public about road closures if it is temporary.
Gancz- asked board to make a motion to pursue alternative options.
Greg Dekoschak- asked if any data has been gathered on if this road is more unsafe than others. There are many roads that may be more unsafe, so he suggested other roads will be closed. He felt the road crew was hired and know the dangers of the job.
Roberts and Edwards thanked those who contributed to the discussion. Edwards asked the board if they thought we should proceed to a public hearing? Roberts, Pike, Ashcraft feel this is not something to pursue. Tristan noted that we should talk to the road crew about an effective plan to plow the road.
Edwards wants a review of the winter road maintenance policy to be put on a future agenda. This is to inform the town of the policy as to when roads are plowed, etc.
- GMP–Reed Hill, Larabee, Rte-112, Fowler electric (partial) underground project
Green Mountain Power (GMP) is asking board for permission to go ahead with the next phase of the plan to lay wires underground using the trenching tool. This is from Reed Hill Rd, to the intersection of Sprague Rd. to Rte. 112 via Larabee Rd.
GMP will be back in the spring to finish Jacksonville Stage and Fowler Rd. Want to get as much done before Thanksgiving. Crew will come back in the winter to set up connecting gear.
Spare conduit being put in by GMP to use for future telecommunication (phone/fiber) lines. They will be able to lease it out to the telecommunications company.
Roberts asked how the ditches will be constructed. There is a process to prep the roads to ensure roads don’t fail. The town crew will have the last word on how the road is to be finished.
A formal agreement was previously signed that should continue to serve for the work being done.
Mike Bernard of GMP asked if the next project is needed approval how can they get that. Edwards noted that the board can call a special meeting.
The board agreed to allow GMP continue their project.
- Leete request for gravel – McMillian Road
Pike and Ashcraft visited the site on 9/19/24. They met with Keith Stone and Mike F of the highway department to look at the driveway of 849 McMillan Rd. Keith explained the driveway had washed out into the road. Keith documents his work with pictures that he shared. Mike and Keith used the grater to push the material up the driveway, and tapered this so a pile of gravel was not left, which could present to be a future issue to the road if not properly spread. The pipes that Leete were concerned about in the driveway were believed to be for a curtain drain to keep moisture out the driveway. During the washout in 2021 Leete’s driveway had an abrupt transition into his driveway. The road crew corrected the transition. Keith reported that Leete communicated that he was satisfied with the work done to his driveway. Pike noted that Leete’s driveway looked fine during the site visit.
Leete asked about the truck load of dirt brought to the driveway. He claims to have photos of the truck bringing in gravel and it got stuck in the wires. He walked out claiming he would give the photos to his lawyer.
- Branch Road Closure on Oct. 31 .
Halifax Community Club holding a trunk or treat event and would like the road to be closed from 4:30 to 7:30 on Oct. 31. The road closure was already communicated prior to board approval.
Edwards appreciates those volunteers who provide for the community.
Edwards made a motion to allow for a road closure on 10/31 Jacksonville Stage to Reed Hill Rd. on 10/31 pending notification Pending confirmation of WINGS after school program. Second by Ashcraft, motion carried 4-0.
Pike asked if there are any school events that should be considered. The board discussed that there is an alternate route.
Highway department should be notified for signs, fire dept., after school WINGS program
- Noise and nuisance complaint LaRock Lane Community member is concerned about fireworks and shooting happening by their neighbor to scare away from domestic animals. They did make a complaint to the local PD. PD said they have the right to scare away wild animals.
Edwards unsure of the laws regarding firearm discharge, and leery about getting involved in neighbor disputes.
Pike clarified that there are no laws that prohibit individuals from shooting on their property. A concerned person can call the state police to report the issue. Police will sometimes investigate. As long as the person shooting is doing to legally there is no issue. Most people know that one should not shoot after dark, noise in the nighttime is a charge that can be brought against an individual. Pike noted an incident that occurred in the area that was reported at 1:30 am someone was lighting off fireworks. The person spoke to Pike saw in the road some firework remnants the next day. Fireworks are only legal with a proper permit.
Roberts noted that the board can notify affected parties and can act as a mediator, hold public space about issues that affect each other.
Edwards shared the person who complained is now very concerned about confronting the neighbor as they have had shouting matches before.
Roberts said he would be willing to draft a letter to the individuals about the concern, and would they want to have a mediated meeting by the board.
Edwards sending Roberts information to draft a letter and send out.
- Highway Maintenance Worker Job Description .
No feedback yet from highway dept. Edwards would like the job descriptions done soon.
Highway supervisor role job description has been drafted.
Pike asked about adding hours to the job description, stating that the position is 40 hours/week.
Edwards noted a comment about VLCT take out reference to “at will” statement in a job description, and asked for feedback from the board. Pike and Roberts noted no concerns.
Edwards will let Mike know that they plan on adopting on 10/18.
- Health code violations
Sue, Board of Health Officer, is asking selectboard to sign a notice of violation for an issue.
Roberts noted there was a legitimate concern being brought up, and this was addressed by first and second constables previously. Sue is asking for volunteer compliance and continual non-compliance there could be an $800 fine assigned.
Board signed the letter.
- Selectboard priorities – 1 missing, track progress
Trails and class 4 road policy should be added to the list.
Roberts noted that he had applied for the MERP grant based on the Town Garage Energy Audit by the time of the deadline.
Roberts noted that the Town Garage Roof project was expected to get underway and an invoice was submitted which will be put on the next order.
- PFAS monitoring—Branch Brook sampling May 2025
The state will test Branch Brook Rd. on May 2025 due to request made by Hope Phelan, resident with interest in this.
- MERP program
Roberts got in the application before due date, despite being told that there was not money. He asked for the town garage roof to be funded by the grant.
Garage roof contractor sent an invoice for deposit payment, the project is on their calendar and may happen within a few weeks.
Pike talked to a roofer about rubber roofs, and they shared some concerns that the board should ask the contractor about.
- F550 Truck
Town bought the truck a while ago, it is available for pickup. The truck is not complete; it is waiting for other parts to be installed. We may have to wait a while for due to a back log of previous orders with the company. Auto Mall is asked to trade in the current truck. The issue is this will leave us without a small plow vehicle.
Patty provided quotes M&T financing $142,129, Town could borrow this for a new dump truck for 5 years interest is 4.930% with an amortization schedule attached.
Edwards notes that if we do this without the trade in he could ask to reassess the trade in value when we get the truck.
Pike reflected that the deal was made with a trade in, how will that change the price we get/pay?
Mike F. said the current truck needs a hydraulic tank. It is ready to get traded in, but the new one is not ready.
Edwards recommends to get a vehicle that will work to plow, or do we sublet the plowing to someone else.
Pike requested that the town keep the old truck, fix it, and then sell it.
When the new truck is in hand we will ask for the reassessed trade in value.
Motion to ask Patty to finalize a lease agreement for the final cost of the vehicle and warranty without trade in and Edwards will sign, Roberts 2nd, motion carried 4-0
None needed
OTHER BUSINESS (5 minutes)
- Driveway permit for Jacksonville Stage Rd.
Edwards asked if the board wants to approve, or make a site visit.
Pike noted the contractor and they are reputable, Roberts and Ashcraft agreed.
The board approved the driveway permit with conditions on attached document.
Edwards wants to set up with Bob Fisher to draft the permit to reflect new changes to the form. She asked if there are other members who would like to be present.
Pike asked if there was a template. Edwards stated that the form should be updated and won’t be finalized until Bob Fisher is consulted.
Pike said that he is willing to be there.
Edwards will ask Christofferson if she is interested, and set up the meeting with Bob Fisher
New health insurance prices were received for the calendar year of 2025. If the board chooses to change plans that decision must occur in Nov. during open enrollment. The highway department and their families would be concerned with any changes.
Edwards remarked to put this on a future agenda, and asked board members to review the plan for the next meeting
Letter to the broadband committee that Roberts will take. Edwards shared concerns with the primary mode of operation is using Google, and open meeting laws may create issues.
Certificate of liability insurance was received.
Edwards read the aggregate amount for orders of $9563.21
8:32 motion made to accept meeting minutes with typo correction by Edwards, seconded by Pike, motion carried 3-0.
8:34 pm motion was made by Pike to adjourn, seconded by Ashcraft, motion carried 3-0.
Respectfully submitted by Stephanie Pike, Secretary Pro Tempore
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