September 25, 2024



Selectboard Chair Edee Edwards called the meeting to order at: 6:29 AM. Other selectboard members present were Karen Christofferson, Rhonda Ashcraft and Randy Pike. Members of the public included Mike Fournier, Wade Janovsky, Ben Barnett, Keith Stone, Ryan Goudreau, Dennis Annear, David Jones, and online Tina and Paul Blais and Melissa Dekoschak.


Edwards suggested moving Hearing of Visitors to after the Pennel Hill Road discussion as the was most likely the topic of interest, and this would allow people to leave after that if they chose.


Highway Maintenance Worker’s Job Description draft – Edwards provided and introduced copies of a draft position description which consolidated the suggestions in a VLCT (Vermont League of Cities and Towns) template compared with the Highway Supervisor Job Description which had customizations for Halifax.  Highway Department staff and Selectboard members were offered a brief opportunity to make comments. Fournier agreed to collect further input from the highway crew. Finalization of the job descriptions will be taken up at a future public meeting.

Data gathering for potential winter road closure of Pennel Hill Road – Edwards asked what data would be needed as the board considers whether a portion of Pennel Hill Road should be closed for the winter for safety. Suggestions included:

  • Confirm road grade. Some believed it to be 10%; others had heard 22%
  • Where would the closure begin and a turn-around happen? A plot map was consulted. (There are land-only properties abutting Rte. 112.) What are state requirements? Someone suggested it would need to the last house with electricity for fire protection access, regardless of whether that was occupied.
  • List of affected property owners
  • Emergency services personnel (Fire, Ambulance, EMD)
  • Connect with neighboring towns—Colrain and Whitingham–which would receive rerouted traffic
  • What timeframe would the closure be?
  • Accident history
  • Potential cost differential or Highway Department with additional drive
  • Mileage difference

Resident, Fire Chief and Emergency Management Director concerns noted:

  • Again, Emergency Services access, including ability to provide medical coverage as the key first responder would be rerouted
  • Increase in resident fire insurance cost due to distance from firehouse.
  • Is proper equipment and new techniques being used for specific conditions?
    • Fournier noted that we had switched to rubber blades but these were not as effective for this road section and changing them is time consuming
  • Would this make mud season worse for that stretch of road? Road crew felt it would not.
  • Would this slow power restoration efforts, or landline/lifeline maintenance?

Residents and the Fire Chief were clear in their frustration that this was being considered for this location and without specific outreach. The Selectboard noted this was a first data gathering step, and that we have a need to balance and consider risk to highway employees as well. Further meetings will be warned as required, and the board thanked people for coming and the input. A number of people left at this juncture.

   HEARING OF VISITORS—nothing further

Accept/Sign state salt bid—The board had received the state salt bid, and a response is due in 10 days. Edwards made a motion to accept the salt bid at $86.75/ton. Christofferson seconded. Discussion: The budget for salt was increased to $32,000 this year. The bid suggested 450 tons, but that is more than necessary most likely, according to Fournier. The budget would allow for up to 370 tons. Motion carried 4-0. Christofferson will get the paperwork back to the vendor, Cargill.

Discuss Right of Way (ROW) work permitting that is in town ROW but doesn’t cross the road. Conduit discussions continue. Edwards noted a conversation with someone who anticipating trenching by a Halifax contractor to bring fiber conduit parallel to the road, but within the town right of way. Fournier had spoken with someone as well; it may or may not be the same person. Discussion about the depth of burial and marking wasn’t resolved. It is unclear if fiber conduit requirements are different from electrical burial specifications.

Edwards noted that GMP has asked to come to our Oct. 1 meeting with a new section of project including Reed Hill and Larabee to Rte. 112. She will give them a heads up about our newer permit attachment, and also try to promote the need for permits in the town right-of-way to the public.


Patricia Dow is getting loan options for the 5500 truck underway. The vendor would like our trade-in soon as well as giving us the chassis, but that leaves us without a functioning small plow/dump truck. The build process is supposed to start in December with a different supplier. It looks like the loan might be around $113K with September 2025 as the first payment.

VTRANS grant agreement for Hatch School road culvert was awarded to the town. This $200K grant requires a 10% match from the Town, and the work must be completed by Dec 31 2025. Fournier noted this grant project was shifted from Pike Road when Pike Road was approved for FEMA funding. Edwards made a motion to accept the grant and have Karen sign the paperwork. Ashcraft seconded.  Motion carried 4-0.

Similarly, a Windham Regional Contract – Road Erosion Inventory grant discussed at an earlier meeting was awarded. The grant money will be passed back through WRC who will perform most of the work on our behalf. It is not to exceed $9250 and must be completed by October 31, 2027. Edwards made a motion to accept the grant and have Karen follow through on the paperwork. Ashcraft seconded. Motion carried 4-0.


Edwards made a motion to go into Executive Session under 1 VSA 313(a)(3) for evaluation of an employee. Ashcraft seconded. The motion carried 4-0. It was 7:37 AM.

At 8:44 AM, the board came out of executive session. No decisions were made.


Ashcraft moved and Pike seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 4-0. It was 8:44 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Edee Edwards, Secretary Pro Tempore

Meeting recording: