Town of Halifax, Vermont
April 9, 2019


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. Planning Commission members Turner Lewis, Bill Pusey, Alice Aldrich, and Jason Ashcroft were present; Kaitlin Stone was out-of-state. Gabriel Ashcroft and Robbin Gabriel were also in attendance.

Changes and Additions to Agenda


Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

Jason Ashcroft made a motion to approve the 10/9/19 regular meeting minutes and public hearing minutes as written. Turner Lewis seconded the motion, which passed, 3-0-1, with Alice Aldrich abstaining.

Alice Aldrich made a motion to approve the 3/12/19 regular meeting minutes as written. Bill Pusey seconded the motion, which passed, 3-0-1, with Jason Ashcroft abstaining.

New Business

Enhanced Energy Project Update
Turner Lewis advised that Bob Leete, point-person for the Planning Commission’s Enhanced Energy project, had been scheduled to attend tonight’s meeting and share information from the Windham Regional Commission’s three-town meeting held in Brattleboro on April 5th. As Leete had a prior commitment this evening, Lewis said the energy update would be moved to the May 14th Planning Commission’s meeting agenda. Gabriel provided Commissioners with printed copies of an enhanced energy best practices manual received from WRC, for review prior to the next meeting.

Old Business


Other Business

Board Reorganization
At their April 2nd meeting, the Selectboard reappointed Turner Lewis and Kaitlin Stone to the Planning Commission; both terms expired in 2019. Bill Pusey nominated Turner Lewis as Planning Commission Chair. Alice Aldrich seconded the motion, which passed, 3-0-1, with Lewis abstaining.

Lewis nominated Pusey as Planning Commission Vice Chair. Aldrich seconded the motion, which passed, 3-0-1, with Pusey abstaining.

WRC Town Plan Approval
Gabriel provided Commissioners with printed copies of the newly revised and voter-approved Town Plan, and said the Selectboard has requested Windham Regional Commission approval of the document. WRC will be scheduling a hearing date. Regional commission approval of a town plan increases a town’s eligibility for certain grants.

Aldrich said that at Town Meeting she spoke of her hope that citizens had read the Town Plan, and Bill Pusey said participation in local municipal government, as well as historical knowledge and understanding of the way government works, was diminishing.

Hearing of Visitors



The meeting was adjourned at 7:27 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Robbin Gabriel
Planning Commission Interim Secretary