Town of Halifax, Vermont


November 12, 2008

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.  Board members in attendance were Chair Christina Moore, Frank Maltese, Norman Fajans, Craig Stone, Allan Dacey, Howard Alboum, Paul Placentino, and Brian McNeice. Commission member William Pusey was absent.  Others in attendance Merrill Mundell Jr., Bruce Doing, Joyce Doing, William Moore, Ronald P. Gouin, Barry Gerdes, Laura Gerdes, Ben Barnett, Sarah Staib, Joseph Brown, Ross Barnett, Michele Barnett, Amanda Barnett, Barbara Barnett Brown, Francis Brown Jr., Ray White, Margo Avakian, and Board Secretary Phyllis Evanuk.

Public Hearing

Mrs. Moore advised that this hearing was to consider the application for a four-lot subdivision on Reed Hill Road.  She invited Mr. Mundell to present the information to the Commission and visitors.

Mr. Mundell presented the following information:

The property is owned by Francis R. Brown Jr. and Barbara E. Brown, is located on Reed Hill Road, and is identified as tax parcel #rdh.3091.

The property is 22.5+/- acres in size with 797.5+/- feet of road frontage, and is developed with an existing one family dwelling, septic, well, and driveway.

This application proposes to divide the property into 4 lots and to develop a 50-foot, deeded right-of-way over the existing driveway to serve the proposed “Lot 1” and “Lot 2”, and to develop a second 50-foot, deeded right-of-way to serve the proposed “Lot 3” and “Lot 4”.

Mr. Mundell advised that all required state permits have been obtained and that the owners are now seeking town approvals for the right-of-ways and the subdivision of the property.

The Commissioners reviewed the plans and asked questions which were answered by Mr. Mundell.  Mrs. Moore asked if there were questions or comments from the visitors.

Ray White asked why he did not receive a letter regarding this hearing.  He was advised that technically he is not an abutter as his property does not touch the subject property on the map.  He advised he had hoped that the Planning Commission would comply with the intent of the law regarding abutters and notify all those who were in the area, not just those whose property touched.  He advised he had heard rumors that this was to be a 5-lot subdivision and inquired as to the minimum lot size in the Rural Residential district.  Mr. Mundell advised that there is a three-acre minimum and that this four-lot proposal met the requirements.

Bruce and Joyce Doing asked about the septic systems proposed and if they would impact their well.  Mr. Mundell advised that although on the site plan it appeared that they were close, in reality there is a substantial distance between the proposed systems and the Doing property.  He further advised that all state required isolation distances have been met.

At 7:16 p.m. Mr. Maltese moved to enter deliberative session to consider the application.  

Mr. McNeice seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 

At 7:25 p.m. the Commissioners resumed open session and Mrs. Moore advised that the subdivision proposal had been unanimously approved.  Findings will be written and forwarded to the applicant and owners.


At 7:28 p.m. Mr. Maltese moved to adjourn the public hearing and meeting.

Mr. Alboum seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.