Town of Halifax, Vermont

May 26, 2020

Minutes for the Hansen/Belisle ZBA Hearing, Permit # 20-5

Call to Order

The meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. Planning Commission members Turner Lewis, Bill Pusey, Kaitlin Stone, and Tommy Fox attended. Tina Blais, Erik Hansen, Katherine Belisle, & Kevin Flynn were also present.


Lewis started out by explaining the difference between an appeal and a variance, stating that an appeal was a simpler process than a variance but the board looked at the five basic conditions for a variance to see if the appeal would meet all the criteria as a variance to be able to be granted.

In discussion, the board found that the proposed project would not cause any hardship or alter the essence of the neighborhood at all. They also decided that there were unique situations in the existing house plan and surrounding area. Because of these unique circumstances, there is no possibility that the property can be developed and the proposed plans will deviate as little as possible from the bylaws.

  • A copy of zoning permit application 20-5 can be found at the Halifax Town Clerks Office, 246 Branch Road West Halifax VT.

Lewis also discussed a letter that the Zoning Board of Adjustment received from Nancy McCrea, Diana Conway, and Catherine Matisi in support of the zoning appeal. He also explained the process involved after the hearing. The waiting period of ten, and thirty days after the board signed the official hearing write up.

Pusey mentioned that it is important to stick to the dimensions in the proposed plan. Belisle asked how long the zoning permit would be good for as she was unsure if the builder was still available. Blais informed her that it is good for 2 years with the option to renew each year after that.

Pusey made the motion to grant the appeal, Fox seconded the motion, which passed 4-0.


The meeting adjourned at 7:08 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Tina Blais
Zoning Board of Authority Secretary