Town of Halifax, Vermont
March 11, 2009
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM. Members in attendance were Chair Frank Maltese, Christina Moore, Norman Fajans, Craig Stone, Paul Placentino, Howard Alboum, and William Pusey. Board members Allan Dacey and Brian McNeice were absent. Others in attendance were Margo Avakian, John LaFlamme, and Secretary Phyllis Evanuk.
Review and discuss As-Built Plan from Honora Winery
Mr. Maltese advised they had received a letter from Edie Fenton stating discrepancies in the Honora Findings of Fact. He read the letter into the minutes. Basically, Ms. Fenton is stating that the acreage noted in Finding #2 is not correct. It should list two parcels for a total of 177.1+/- acres, not the 103.3 that is stated. It was generally agreed that this discrepancy would not affect the conclusion, decision, or the conditions of approval for the permit related to these findings (#07-55).
A letter will be sent to Ms. Fenton advising that they are aware of her concerns.
Mr. Maltese advised that in compliance with Conditions of Approval #9 and #11 the Board has received letters from the applicable emergency services confirming their ability to provide services to the facility, and the facility has submitted the applicable MSDS information to the Halifax Fire Department.
The Board reviewed the As-Built plans that were submitted in compliance with Condition of Approval #12 and noted additional information that they would like to see on the plans. Mr. Maltese listed the needed items on the plans and will discuss them with the permitees.
At 7:32 PM a motion was approved to adjourn the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Phyllis H. Evanuk