Broadband Committee

Town of Halifax, Vermont


October 8, 2014


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:33 pm at the town office.  Board members in attendance were Edee Edwards, Jessica Bruno, Gretchen Becker, and Curtis Carroll.


Agenda Additions/Deletions

Becker requested that an article on new programs/skills be added to new business.


Approval of Minutes

Edwards made a motion to accept the minutes of the September 10, 2014 Regular Meeting as written. Carroll seconded the motion, which passed 3-0-1(Bruno abstained).


New Business

Committee Membership

Bruno reported that she will most likely not be able to attend the February/March meetings as she will be out on maternity leave. She plans to remain a member of the committee.


Electromagnetic Fields

Becker shared an article on the health effects of electromagnetic fields. The group discussed discussing with the zoning board as they are working on regulation adjustments. Becker will check the current zoning regulations to see if the issue is addressed specifically in our current regulations.


New Skills for Jobs

Becker shared an article from the Brattleboro Reformer which had details on a Ready for Work Program at the CCV Brattleboro Academic Center. The 8 week course focuses on resume writing and interview skills, overcoming employment barriers, searching and applying for jobs, and transitioning successfully into the workforce. Applications can be found online Bruno will post details on the town website.


Old Business

Economic Development Survey

Edwards gave the draft survey to the Selectboard for review. Unless we make substantial changes, we can go ahead and post the survey. Edwards will add to the town website via Survey Monkey.


Broadband Business Improvement Districts

There is no new news relative to this project.


VTel Monopole

There is no new news relative to this project.


Rte 112 Cell Service

Edwards reported that the Selectboard approved the final lease and the State has to get it to the CPG. It is estimated that the solar back-up equipment will be installed in December, but they have no estimate on when cell service will be available.


WiFi Hotspot

Edwards reported that usage of the hotspot is dropping. After discussion, the group decided to bump up the speed from 768kbps to 3mbps.


Hearing of Visitors




The meeting was closed at 7:22 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Jessica Bruno