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School Happenings
July 27, 2020
Dear Parents,
I have attached a letter from our Superintendent regarding the reopening of schools. (See link below this paragraph.) There is new information on the models that will be available and I encourage you to read it carefully. I would like to remind you that we will be hosting a virtual school meeting on Thursday July 30th to gather input from all of our parents regarding the reopening plans, specifically around the safe and healthy start section of our plan. We are holding this virtually as our numbers might not allow us to gather in person, and I would hate to turn anyone away, and our wifi does not extend very far from our building- something we are working on for this fall. I have attached the meeting link information and will be sending a blackboard connect reminder Wednesday evening. If you are unable to attend, please email me your thoughts, ideas and or questions and we will share them at the meeting.
Halifax Community input meeting
Thursday, July 30⋅6:00 – 7:00pm
Join with Google Meet
Join by phone
(US) +1 413-758-2998 PIN: 636 651 800#
Sandra Pentak-CohenPrincipalHalifax Elementary School
2020-2021 CALENDAR