Head on over to https://halifaxvt.com/reports/official-return-voting-results/ to get our official results.
November 9, serving 5:30-7. Courtesy of and benefiting the Halifax Celebration Committee. It’s in my calendar now–how about yours?!
Halifax Connectivity Program
DVFiber’s high-speed Internet service has arrived in Halifax. Installations are in progress and will continue into 2025.
DVFiber installations are free IF there is an established path for the fiber-optic cable to run between the nearest utility pole and your home. But some homes don’t have the necessary path. If this path must be underground, the cost to create or restore one can be more than some households can afford.
The Halifax Connectivity Program can help you to get ready for the installation and lower your cost for any preparations that may be needed.
Click here for a flyer to learn more.
2022 Financial Statement Audit (Appendix A to Town Report)
Halifax Annual School Report 2022 (Appendix B to Town Report)
Halifax Town Report FY22
Division On Addictions is an organization that helps vulnerable Vermont residents who are addicted to drugs or alcohol locate proper treatment options. Alcoholism and drug addiction are terrible crises affecting all ages in our communities – from teenagers to senior citizens.
Please RSVP with Roza at halifaxsecretary@gmail.com
Halifax Community Assessment and Project Prioritization (CAPP) Projects Sheet
The Town Report is available on the Reports tab under Annual Reports.
You may also access it here:
Halifax Town Report FY22
Please click below to view and download the attachment:
Warning and Articles for Annual Town Meeting Day on March 7, 2023.docx
School Warning