Broadband Committee

Town of Halifax, Vermont


November 19, 2014


Call to Order


The meeting was called to order at 6:36 pm at the town office.  Board members in attendance were Edee Edwards, Jessica Bruno, and Gretchen Becker. Curtis Carroll was absent. This meeting was re-scheduled due to a conflicting Zoning board meeting held on our regularly scheduled meeting date.


Agenda Additions/Deletions

Becker requested that we add the town plan definition of interference to old business.

Edwards requested that we add budget discussion to new business.


Approval of Minutes

Becker made a motion to accept the minutes of the October 8, 2014 Regular Meeting as written. Edwards seconded the motion, which passed 3-0-0.

The November 1, 2014 joint Selectboard/Broadband Committee minutes were approved by the Selectboard, so they do not need to be approved again.


New Business

Resolution of Town Website Issues

Edwards reported that she and Robbin Gabriel spent some time investigating the issues. Sitelock was purchased to prevent malware. Gabriel found the bad file but it took a week before it was resolved. Sitelock can only search approx. 100 pages a day. The broadband committee also discussed linking pdf’s instead of creating a separate page for each set of minutes.


Wi-Fi Hotspot Wiring Plan

Edwards reported that she and Holtz had been part of a meeting to troubleshoot the hotspot wiring issues. There was a problem with a cable that had to be replaced. It has been proposed to move the wiring to the middle of the garage allowing us to wire inside in a more direct fashion. The Selectboard voted to allow an electrician to put a new outlet in and Earl will look into re-wiring.


Use of School for Continuing Education Activities

The Broadband Committee discussed ideas for potentially using the school for continuing education classes in the future.


Technology Conference Notes

Edwards reported that she attended a conference in Washington DC. She attended very good session on topics such as cognitive computing. A lot of statistical data was shared on people with broadband and cellphones etc, but Edwards noted that a lot of that data was in the 2014 VT Telecommunications Survey.



Edwards noted that the Selectboard will start the budgeting process in December. The Broadband Committee will think about potential projects that could require funds and discuss at the next regular meeting.


Old Business


Rte 112 Cell Tower Project

Edwards reported that the Selectboard had an emergency meeting to discuss the site for the solar panels. The site was moved back from the sand pile, so some trees will need to be cut. The town may get the solar component of the project done soon.


VTel Monopole

No new news has been received regarding this project.


Wi-Fi Hotspot Usage

Edwards reported that the hotspot had 34 unique visitors last month.


Town Plan Definition of Interference

As a follow up from the last meeting discussion on electromagnetic fields, Becker reported that the zoning regulations section 608 #3 states the proposed antennas and equipment, either alone or together with existing facilities, equipment or  # antennas would create excessive radio frequency exposure.

Edwards will follow up with the Planning Commission. They may want to tap the Windham Regional Commission and ask them to review that section of the zoning regulations to see if it need to be updated or removed.


Online Survey

The Broadband Committee reviewed the online survey on economic development. Edwards will make the survey live with a closing date of December 5, 2014 so we can analyze the data at the next regular meeting.



Hearing of Visitors




The meeting was closed at 7:32 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Jessica Bruno