Broadband Committee
Halifax, Vermont
February 8, 2012 Minutes
The Halifax Broadband Committee meeting was called to order at 6:30pm Wednesday, February 8, 2012 at the Halifax Town Office. Present were committee members Edee Edwards, Earl Holtz, Gretchen Becker, Curtis Carroll and Jessica Bruno.
Edwards moved and Becker seconded that the minutes of the January, 11 2012 meeting be approved as written, and the motion passed 5-0-0.
The committee reviewed the progress report for the town meeting prepared by Becker. Edwards brought handouts that were used by the Committee at last year’s town meeting. It was agreed that these handouts could be used again this year.
Bruno shared an article on mobile hotspots. The article explained that a mobile hotspot is a portable 3G or 4G cellular data modem that is coupled to a wireless Wi-Fi router, which is enclosed in a rechargeable battery powered, all-in-one device weighing just a few ounces. A copy of the article and device comparison chart will be available in the Broadband Committee minutes binder. Edwards also shared information on the mobile hotspot, MiFi, and mentioned that there is information available on how to set your cell phone up as a mobile hotspot.
Holtz brought a color coded map of the town parcels which represents who wants/ is unsure/ doesn’t want internet service in Halifax. This map will be used at the annual town meeting.
The Committee then went through the survey data charts which we will use at town meeting, discussed changes and decided which charts to use/not use. Holtz will make changes and bring them to town meeting.
Becker reported that Fairpoint was not had word from the Public Service Board yet. Fairpoint indicated that if the Public Service Board says they can use the money, they will work from a list of towns but that will take time.
Edwards reported that on the VTel website, there is a link for a grant awards summary. This link tells what VTel has done each quarter. During the second half of 2011, nothing has been reported on the WOW project (everything was on the fiber to home project).
Carroll reported that it appears that a new company ENA (Educational Network of America) is providing an optional service in conjunction with Fiberconnect to connect to educational network classes and sites etc. to expand what schools can offer. They provide support and the router. Carroll will do more research into it.
Edwards moved and Holtz seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:30pm and the motion passed 5-0-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica Bruno