Broadband Committee
Halifax, Vermont
March 14, 2012 Minutes
The Halifax Broadband Committee meeting was called to order at 6:30pm Wednesday, March 14, 2012 at the Halifax Town Office. Present were committee members Edee Edwards, Earl Holtz, Gretchen Becker, Curtis Carroll and Jessica Bruno.
Edwards moved and Becker seconded that the minutes of the February 8, 2012 meeting be approved as amended, and the motion passed 5-0-0.
Carroll reported that two member of the School Board voted to accept Fiberconnect with ENA (Educational Networks of America). The estimated start date is believed to be December, 2012. ENA offers a support package called Internet II for private educational institutions only. Normally the cost to join ENA is about 10k. The contract with ENA is only one year instead of three. It was also reported that the line may be going down Collins Road and to Jacksonville, as well as down Route 9.
Edwards reported that she would like to step down from the Broadband Committee as there are now two Select Board members on this committee.
The Broadband Committee discussed the potential of merging their committee with the Town Website Committee. We will ask the Select Board if they would like to merge the two committees and then have a joint committee meeting to discuss options. We will postpone reorganization and appointment of the new Chair of the Broadband Committee.
The next meeting of the Broadband Committee will be delayed one week until April 18, 2012.
Holtz reported that he had sent a note to Dinah Reed, Assistant Planner on the Windham Regional Commission, to ask what she knew about VTel’s status. She did not have any additional information. Edwards suggested submitting our survey and research data to VTel.
Becker reported that she has not received any response from Fairpoint.
Holtz reported that there was not much interest in our presentation at the Town Meeting. At the meeting, Edwards thanked the School Board for considering Fiberconnect.
Carroll would like to start concentrating on last mile efforts now that two times the amount of fiber will be coming through Halifax. Contacting local businesses to try and find a last mile solution was discussed. Edwards suggested contacting the Stamford Broadband Committee as they were successful at getting grant money to bring internet access to the last mile.
Bruno reported that there is another seminar put on by the e-Vermont Community Broadband Project entitled Vermont’s Digital Future Conference. It will be held Tuesday May 8, 2012 At Champlain College.
Carroll reported that the high school has a great video camera that would be a great way to attend meetings at other parts of the State.
The Committee thanked Edee for all of her hard work and dedication with the Broadband Committee.
Becker moved and Bruno seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:57 pm and the motion passed 5-0-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica Bruno