Broadband Committee

Halifax, Vermont

November 7, 2011 Minutes- Special Meeting

The Halifax Broadband Committee attended the Halifax School Board meeting at 7:30pm Monday, November 7, 2011 at the Halifax School Library. Present were committee members Edee Edwards, Curtis Carroll, Earl Holtz, Gretchen Becker, and Jessica Bruno. School board members present were Homer Sumner and Paul Blaise. Members of the public included Stephanie Aldrich, Rhonda Lackey, Jack Rizzo, Stephanie Powers, and Michael Bruno.

FiberConnect Grant


Edwards urged the school board to consider applying for e-rate for fiber. This would enable any vendor to bid on bringing a fiber optic line to the school. Once the trunk line is in place, any vendor could then potentially tap into the line and bring broadband to the homes.

Carroll shared his information relative to e-rate deadlines and processes and offered the contact information he has to the school board.

There was much discussion between the school board and the broadband committee to clarify information received by both parties from vendors such as Fairpoint and Sovernet, as well as from the Public Service Board.

Holtz shared some of the preliminary results gathered from the broadband survey and offered to share any information with the school board once the compilation of data is complete.

The school board will make a decision at their next meeting on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 whether or not to apply for e-rate for fiber.

Respectfully submitted,

Jessica Bruno