Halifax Cemetery Commission

DRAFT Regular Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 4, 2023 at 9:00 AM

Halifax Town Office, 246 Branch Road, West Halifax, VT

Or Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7814490827?pwd=bTRLMCtDdzgrR2NndWV5andxTG0vUT09

Attendees: Linda Swanson, Gary Rand, and Laurel Copeland

CALL TO ORDER at 9:03 am.


CHANGES AND/OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA – add follow-up on the waitlist for plots (LC & LS)


APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES  – Meeting minutes from March 24, 2023 were approved with minor edits. 



Plastic flowers on graves – pieces of artificial flowers end up all over the cemetery. Weed-whacking should be accommodated so it’s done quickly. Plastic pots disintegrate when hit with a weed-whacker. Perennials can be mowed if outside the bed near the headstone. Cemetery boxes are another solution for temporary plantings or flowers. Cemetery boxes are usually available at garden and hardware stores. Volunteers could also build cemetery boxes for floral displays. 




Regulations governing Halifax cemeteries – the commission revised the wording about artificial flowers on gravesites and about green burials in addition to minor edits to wording and formatting. Plot maps were discussed; some are hand-drawn; Andrea Rand did a nice one for Niles. Gary Rand said he plans to get them all computerized. Sources of funds were specified under “perpetual care,” and the Niles Fund and CRT Fund were discussed. The members voted to adopt the regulations. 

Follow-up on the waitlist for plots (Linda Swanson, Laurel Copeland) – Laurel called former commissioners Inman and DeForrest and left voicemails asking for information on plot maps. Cliff’s daughter did some work on the Center cemetery. We will walk the cemeteries when the snow is gone. West Halifax and Niles Cemeteries need to be surveyed. 

Managing trees, shrubs, and bushes in Halifax’s 22 cemeteries – trees have been tagged for removal; need removal estimates once we have funds. Cemetery Perpetual Care reserve fund has $11,329 as of March 7, 2023, and will receive $18,691 from the town in October. 

VOCA grant for stump removal (Bascom Cemetery) – this is on hold because the town has to put up matching funds for the removal ($600?) and the dirt fill, so that would come out of our budget. We need an estimate. 






ADJOURNMENT – 10:21 am.