Cemetery Commissioners
Regular Meeting
21 June 2022
Patrick McAllister
Gary Rand
Linda Swanson
Sarah Barnett
Meeting came to order at 10:30 am
New Business
Plots and Burials
- Deeds signed for 2 families
- New area of West Halifax needs plot plan
- New Approved Rates for cemetery maintenance:
- Labour – $15/hour
- Large mower – $25/hour
- Other equipment – $15/hour
- Standard invoice is being created and will be available for workers to submit hours
Restoration/ Improvements
- Landowner at Whitneyville to be contacted about removal of trees on property line
- Tree removal at Whitneyville and Wicks – quotes to be sought
- West Halifax drainage and retaining wall – quotes to be sought
- A multi-year plan for all cemeteries will be created
Budget and Finance
- Initial bills have come in for mowing
- A budget will be drafted
- Neighbouring towns will be asked for information about their budgets
Any other business
- No other business
Meeting Adjourned at 12:45