Town of Halifax, Vermont
May 10, 2016


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:31 p.m. Planning Commission members Sirean LaFlamme, Bill Pusey, Turner Lewis, and Kaitlin Stone were present. Brian McNeice was absent. Others in attendance were Nicholas Bartenhagen, Carl Barmen, Elizabeth Martin, Dennis Annear, Stephan Chait, John LaFlamme, Mary Brewster, Margo Avakian, Rick Gay, James Cook, Sue Kelly, Matt Maranian, Judi Kotanchik, Rhonda Ashcraft, Alan Ashcraft, Janet Taylor, Marilyn Allen, Paul Taylor, Wayne Courser, Joan Courser, Deborah Sumner, Homer Sumner, Regina Hardgrove, Jack Rossetti, Philip G. Hardgrove, Laura Gerdes, Penfield Chester, Don Pyskacek, Barbara Shapiro Pyskacek, Cara Cheyette, Douglas Parkhurst, Marilou Parkhurst, Jason Klump, William Moore, and Robbin Gabriel. (Note: Attendance list is from the sign-in sheet for the public hearing immediately preceding the regular meeting. Some of these individuals departed at the close of that hearing.)

Changes and Additions to Agenda


Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

April 12, 2016 meeting minutes will be reviewed and approved at the next regular meeting.

New Business

Candidates for Zoning Administrator Position
Sirean LaFlamme announced seven candidates have applied for the position of zoning administrator. Those candidates who are present and wish to speak tonight may do so, she said. At a request from the floor, LaFlamme introduced herself as Planning Commission Chair, and Kaitlin Stone, Turner Lewis, and Bill Pusey gave their names. All serve on both the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment. LaFlamme recused herself from the zoning administrator discussion, as her husband has submitted an application. She turned the meeting over to Vice Chair Bill Pusey. LaFlamme said the applicants were Dan Menerey, David Webber, William Moore, Dennis Annear, Jason Klump, John LaFlamme, and Ray White.

John LaFlamme said he has served in several positions in Halifax and still has a desire to do community service. I’ve worked with Rick (Gay) in the past, and know that sometimes people need assistance in filling out permit paperwork. I like helping to make things go smoothly.

Jason Klump said he lives in Whitingham and is the Zoning Administrator in Readsboro. If you’re looking for someone who knows everyone in town, I’m not your candidate, but if you’re looking for someone who knows their way around the bylaw and how to administrate it, I think I am. He served as Vice Chair of the Planning Board in Brewster, Massachusetts for three years, and went to law school. Your bylaw is better than Readsboro’s, and would be easier to administrate, he added.

William Moore has lived in Halifax for eleven years, and has served as lister, assistant town clerk, and trustee of public funds. I worked in construction, have a B.S. in math, and have an interest in working with the Planning Commission, he said.

Dennis Annear is building a house on Pennel Hill. He recently retired from 23 years of municipal service, which included enforcing zoning regulations in his Massachusetts town. I saw the ad, he said, and thought I might be of service to the citizens of Halifax when I move up here. Annear was a municipal fire chief, with 39 total years of service.

David Webber was not present; Dan Menerey and Ray White had spoken to the Commission at an earlier meeting.

LaFlamme thanked all who had applied. The Board will discuss the applications and pass a recommendation to the Selectboard. The Board heard other business before going into executive session.

Old Business


Other Business

Jack Rossetti brought drawings and plans for subdivision to the Board for informal review; he had three options and wanted to know what might be allowed before proceeding. After the Commissioners and Rick Gay had examined the documents they agreed that one of the three would not conform to regulations. Rossetti will make a decision about which of the other two he prefers and will submit a subdivision application. Rossetti thanked Rick Gay for his assistance.

New Business (continued)

Executive Session
Planning Commission members Bill Pusey went into executive session at 7:48 p.m. and returned at 8:10 p.m., with no decisions made.

Zoning Administrator Recommendation to the Selectboard
The Commission will recommend William Moore and John LaFlamme to the Selectboard as candidates for zoning administrator.

Hearing of Visitors



The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Robbin Gabriel
Interim Planning Commission Secretary