Town of Halifax, Vermont
August 22, 2017
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. Planning Commission members Turner Lewis, Bill Pusey, Kaitlin Stone, Patricia Dow, and Alice Aldrich were present, as were Stephan Chait and Robbin Gabriel.
Changes and Additions to Agenda
New Business
DHCD Municipal Planning Grant Application
Chair Turner Lewis advised this special meeting had been called for the purpose of addressing detail of the Municipal Planning Grant (MPG) application process. An updated Halifax Town Plan is due to be presented to voters in March 2019, and the Planning Commission is seeking funding assistance for the update process. Before submitting an application, Commissioners must first obtain Selectboard approval, and the Selectboard must appoint a Municipal Authorizing Official, an alternate, and a Grant Administrator. These individuals will be responsible for submitting the actual application material online once question responses have been composed.
As Lewis will be traveling in September and October, Alice Aldrich volunteered to spearhead the effort to complete the application in time for the October 2nd deadline. Commissioners discussed advice received from DHCD Grants Administrator Specialist Annalina Seiler, and agreed on two primary areas of focus—bringing the Halifax Town Plan in line with current State flood resilience legislation and finding innovative ways of engaging the public in the town planning process. Several other update goals were also considered. Stephan Chait suggested the Green River Watershed Alliance project, which will hopefully be underway soon, should be included in the flood resilience discussion. Chait also recommended a member of the Commission be present at the September 5th Selectboard meeting to speak for the Planning Commission MPG approval request.
Bill Pusey made a motion to submit a resolution to the Selectboard requesting approval to apply for a Municipal Planning Grant. Aldrich seconded the motion, which passed, 5-0. Lewis signed the Municipal Planning Grant Resolution. Commissioners, with input from Chait, spent the balance of the meeting reviewing the fifteen questions on the MPG application and contributing ideas/comments to be used in composing responses.
Old Business
Other Business
Hearing of Visitors
The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Robbin Gabriel
Interim Planning Commission Secretary