Town of Halifax, Vermont


January 13, 2010


Call to Order


            The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM.  Members in attendance were Acting Chair Howard Alboum, Craig Stone, Sirean LaFlamme, Brian McNeice, and William Pusey.  Norman Fajans was absent. Others in attendance were Margo Avakian, and Secretary Phyllis Evanuk.



Approval of Findings


            The Commissioners reviewed the Findings of Fact and Decision for the Mary Jane R. Kuhn subdivision.  With no additions, corrections, or deletions, the members present signed the Findings.  Mr. Alboum noted that Mr. Fajans will stop by and sign them on Friday.



Approval of letter to Merrill Mundell


            The Commissioners read and approved the letter to Mr. Mundell regarding their approval of the lot line adjustment plan he had presented at the January 6, 2010 meeting.



Approval of Town Plan Survey


            The Commissioners reviewed the revised survey regarding a commercial zoning district and Mr. Alboum called for a motion.


            Mr. Pusey moved to approve the survey as presented.

            Mr. McNeice seconded the motion, which carried 5-0.


            Mr. Alboum advised that he was hopeful that they would have results in time for the February meeting, but was aware that this might not be possible, due to the scope of the task of gathering all necessary names and addresses of not only all property owners, but of all voters who are not reflected in the grand list.

            Several Commissioners volunteered to assist in preparing the surveys for mailing.



Approval of Minutes


            Mrs. LaFlamme moved to approve the minutes of the November 11, 2009 meeting as written.

            Mr. Stone seconded the motion, which carried 5-0.


            Mr. McNeice noted that the January 6, 2010 minutes listed him as present when in fact he was not.

            Mr. Stone moved to approve the minutes of the January 6, 2010 meeting with the correction noted by Mr. McNeice.

            Mr. Pusey seconded the motion which carried 4-0-1, with Mr. McNeice abstaining.


            Mr. Alboum noted that as they currently have a vacancy on the commission, and the Selectboard plans on waiting until after Town Meeting to appoint a new member, if any of the Commissioners have knowledge of someone who might be willing to serve, he felt it was their duty as Commissioners to give that information to the Selectboard for consideration.



Review of Town Plan


            The Commissioners continued their review of the plan where they had left off (on Page 13).  It was agreed that this section – Land Use Recommendations, should be reviewed after the results of the survey have been tabulated.


Flood Hazard Areas – New maps have been done by FEMA, but the effect on Halifax most likely will not change.  Maps will be reviewed.


Economic Development – Will need to be reviewed and probably revised.


Natural Resource Use & Conservation – All areas under this heading need to be reviewed and statistics verified.  Some sections will require changes as well as updates.


Groundwater Recommendations – #3 regarding road salt storage can be removed as the Town has fulfilled that recommendation by building a new salt storage shed that insures the salt does not leach into the groundwater.


Air Quality – Needs to be reviewed


Forests – Needs to be updated


Scenic Resources and Natural Areas – Needs to be reviewed


Agricultural – Needs review and updating


Earth and Minerals- Needs updating – inventory of gravel pits both active and inactive.


Solid Waste – Needs to be reviewed


Town Government – Review and update if needed


Emergency Services Planning – Needs complete review and updating to include changes and additions, such as Halifax EMS


Education – Needs to be updated.


Communication Towers – Needs to be reviewed and updated.


Historic Sites and Buildings – Needs to be reviewed and updated


Meeting Places – Needs updating (someone will inquire about the Grange as a meeting place in lieu of the dissolution of the organization in town)


Energy – Needs to be reviewed.  Mr. Stone noted that they should consider a section regarding wind turbines.  Mr. Alboum advised they should also consider solar panels as another energy source.


Transportation – Needs review and updating.  The Moover bus was suggested but as it is not clear what their services are, it needs to be investigated.


Housing – Needs complete review and updating especially the statistics in the affordable housing section.


            The Commissioners agreed that they should stop at this point (page 46). 


[NOTE* the remainder deals with the implementation of the plan.  This portion really is dependent on completion of the preceding policies and recommendations, as goals for implementing the plan and fulfilling the policies cannot be determined until the policies and recommendations have been finalized.]





            The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.



Respectfully submitted,

Phyllis H. Evanuk
