MARCH 30, 2023

Chairman Turner Lewis opened the public meeting to consider the Bagley subdivision request at 7:01 PM. Other Planning Commissioners present were William Pusey, Kaitlin Stone and Tommy Fox. Thomas Tefft was not in attendance. Tina Blais was also present.

Lewis read the public hearing minutes as follows:

Steven R. Bagley of 1437 Hatch School Road, Halifax, VT has submitted an application for a subdivision for property located at 87 Shearer Hill Road in the Town of Halifax. The proposed project describes as follows, Taking an 8.6 +/- acre lot and subdividing into two lots. Lot #1 being 5.4 +/- acres with 865 +/- FT of road frontage. Lot #2 being 3.2 +/- acres with 866 FT of road frontage.

The Town of Halifax Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing on this application on March 30, 2023. There will be a site visit at 87 Shearer Hill Road at 4:30 PM with a hearing following at 7:00 PM at the Halifax Town Office conference room located at 246 Branch Road. A copy of the application and additional information can be obtained at the Halifax Town Office, Halifax, Vermont.

Pursuant to 24 V.S.A. 4464(a)(1)(c), participation in this local proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal.

Dated at Halifax, Vermont this day of March 15, 2023.

Lewis then asked if there was any questions or concerns from those present. Pusey stated that he had some concern over whether the road frontage actually including some of the frontage from the abutting property also owned by Bagley. Fox explained that the road frontage did not include the abutting property at all. It wrapped around the corner to give it the 865 feet of frontage that was outlined on the Plat plan submitted. Hearing no other discussion Lewis called for a motion.

 Fox made a motion to approve the 2 lot subdivision at 87 Shearer Hill Road. Stone seconded the motion, which passed 4-0.

The hearing adjourned at 7:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Tina Blais

Planning Commission Secretary