Town of Halifax, Vermont
May 19, 2011
Public Hearing
The hearing was opened at 7:03 PM. Members in attendance were Howard Alboum, Sirean LaFlamme, D. Chris Estep, Norman Fajans, Brian McNeice, and Bradley Rafus. William Pusey was absent. Others in attendance were Michael Drummey, Cara Cheyette, and Secretary Phyllis Evanuk.
Mr. Drummey explained the proposal, which was to divide a 28+/- acre parcel into two lots of 18.07+/- acres and 10.05+/- acres on Hall Road. The property is on a Class 4 road in the Rural Residential zoning district and meets the minimum requirements under the zoning regulations.
The Board discussed road and access issues, and with their concerns and questions answered thanked Mr. Drummey for his presentation.
Mr. Drummey thanked the Board for their prompt scheduling of this hearing.
Mr. Alboum advised that the members would deliberate and make their decision and he would be notified by certified mail of that decision.
At 7:11 PM the public hearing was adjourned and the commissioners entered deliberative session to consider their decision on this application and further deliberate on the LaFogg application.
Respectfully submitted,
Phyllis H. Evanuk