Town of Halifax, Vermont
November 11, 2009
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:08 PM. Members in attendance were Chair Christina Moore, Norman Fajans, Brian McNeice, Craig Stone, Howard Alboum, Sirean LaFlamme, and William Pusey. Others in attendance were Margo Avakian, and Secretary
Phyllis Evanuk.
Approval of Minutes
Mr. Alboum moved to approve the minutes of the October 14, 2009 meeting as written.
Mr. McNeice seconded the motion, which carried 6-0-1, with Mrs. Moore abstaining as she had not been present for that meeting.
Review of Plans
Ø The Commissioners reviewed a revised subdivision plan with summary explanation for the Brown subdivision that had been approved in November of 2008. The revisions addressed a disputed boundary line, but in all other respects the plan does not significantly change the previous approval.
Mrs. Moore moved to accept the revised final plat and to have it recorded in the land records with the accompanying letter of explanation.
Mrs. LaFlamme seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Ø The Commissioners reviewed an application for a one-lot subdivision on Aldrich Road. It was noted that a portion of Aldrich Road is a legal trail and development is not allowed on trails. In order for the new parcel to be developed there would need to be a minimum of 300 feet of frontage on the Class 4 portion of the road. They set the date for a public hearing on the application for Wednesday, January 6, 2010. The applicant will be notified of their concerns and of the date for the hearing.
Review of Survey for the Town Plan
The Commissioners reviewed the format and content of the draft of a survey to be sent to all property owners and voters regarding the development of a commercial district for Halifax. They noted that there appeared to be a broad area for interpretation especially for question #3 which read as follows:
“Do you want to control commercial development by:
A. Developing a Commercial Zoning District? Yes___ No___
B. Imposing additional restrictions on commercial uses in existing districts? Yes___ No___”
After much discussion and rewrites, it was amended to read as follows:
If you do not wish to develop a commercial zoning district, do you want to impose additional restrictions on commercial uses in the existing districts? Yes___ No___
Mr. Alboum moved to accept the survey with the amendment to question #3 as stated by Mr. McNeice.
Mr. Pusey seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Review of proposed lot line adjustments
The Commissioners reviewed a plan for lot line adjustments for property on Brook Road. The property is located in two zoning districts and consists of several nonconforming lots with structures and septic systems not necessarily on the corresponding lot. Merrill Mundell has been working with the property owners and is proposing several lot line adjustments to insure that structures and septic systems are contained within the boundaries of each respective lot. The Commissioners raised questions that need to be addressed before further consideration. Mr. Mundell will be invited to the December 9, 2009 meeting to clarify the situation. It was noted that the ZBA has received the same information so the December meeting will serve to answer questions for both boards.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Phyllis H. Evanuk
Secretary 28