Town of Halifax, Vermont
September 13, 2011
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:24 PM. Members in attendance were Howard Alboum, Cara Cheyette, William Pusey, and Norman Fajans. Sirean LaFlamme arrived after approval of minutes. Brian McNeice and Bradley Rafus were absent. Others in attendance were Malcolm Sumner, Margo Avakian, and Secretary Phyllis Evanuk.
Mr. Alboum officially welcomed and introduced Cara Cheyette as the newest member of the Planning Commission.
Approval of Minutes
Mr. Fajans moved to approve the minutes of the August 9, 2011 meeting as written.
Mr. Pusey seconded the motion which carried 4-0.
Hearing of Visitors
Malcolm Sumner was in attendance to seek clarification of the boundary line for the Village District. He is proposing to subdivide the farmhouse property from the remaining portion on the westerly side of Branch Road. The size of the resulting lot depends upon which district the property is in. The Village District requires two acres while the Rural Residential District requires three acres. If the requirement is three acres he would need to take one acre out of current use as currently only two acres are excluded.
Mr. Fajans advised that he believed that there was something in the zoning regulations that allowed for lots in two districts that allowed the least restrictive district to take precedence.
Ms. Avakian found the section (303) which allows the extension of one district to be extended by 50 feet. That section also allows the ZBA to make a determination of the boundary if there is a question of the boundary line and the Zoning Administrator does not make that determination.
Ms. Evanuk advised in looking at the zoning map she could not match up the fifth line on the map. In reviewing it with Mr. Sumner it was determined that the reference to Stage Road on the earlier description was actually referring to Reed Hill which had formerly been known as Stage Road. It was determined that the map was in error, not the description.
After looking at the zoning map and the parcel map, and much discussion regarding the location of the boundary line, it was agreed to table the matter and allow the secretary to research the matter and advise Mr. Sumner of her findings.
Other Business
The Commissioners discussed the site visit with Beck Engineering and the Selectboard, Ms. Evanuk advised she would email the times available for a visit. She also advised that the state does not need to be consulted about the bridge for a change of use, but for upgrades or changes to the bridge they do need state permissions. She further advised that they have been in contact with VTRANS regarding the access.
It was also noted that the state considers a river, road, etc. a natural subdivision. The Planning Commission and the town may consider it differently.
Ms. Evanuk advised she has an appointment with Kate McCarthy on Thursday to discuss the Municipal Planning Grant. She asked for input from the Commissioners. The consensus was to stay with the subdivision regulation development as the reason for the grant.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:53 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Phyllis H. Evanuk