P.O. BOX 127
Conservation Commission Meeting
Tuesday, July 28, 2020 7:00 PM
Meeting was held outside the Town Office
Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. Conservation Commission members Stephan Chait, Jessica Cooney and Linda Huebner were present as was Andrea Rand.
Stephan added to the Agenda under New Business the topic of the removal of the Rogers Berm along Green River Road.
The February 25, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes were approved. Motion for approval made by Linda with second by Stephan passed 3 – 0.
Relocation of Recycling Bins to Town Garage
In the middle or end of August the recycling bins will be moved to the Town Garage where cameras will be installed to monitor them. Lots of trash and contaminants are being thrown into the bins, which is costing the taxpayers about $8,000 in additional charges. How the Town will fine and collect fines from those found to be depositing trash and contaminants needs to be discussed with the Selectboard.
Signage and New Bulletin Board
Sometimes the containers are not properly marked. Based on discussions with Athena Lee Bradley from Windham Solid Waste Management District, who was unable to attend the meeting, additional informational signage is needed. The proposed design would be moveable signs that can be placed to indicate what goes in which bin. The use of buckets filled with concrete and post for the signs was discussed. There needs to be further discussion with the Selectboard and the Road Commission about having the signs in the proper location and who would be monitoring the signs to ensure they are located at the appropriate bins.
Gates will be installed at the entrance to the Town Garage, which will be closed at night. There needs to be discussion with the Selectboard and the Road Commission as to who will close the gates at night.
The Bulletin Board will need further discussion as to the design and finding volunteers to build and install it.
Deposit Bottles/Cans Return Bin(s)
There are a number of issues to be resolved regarding the addition of bins for deposit bottles and cans. Bottles and cans would need to be cleaned before being taken to the redemption center on Putney Road in Brattleboro. Jessica volunteered to bring the bottles/cans to the redemption center. There is also the issue of insects at the bins. The signage for the bins was to be discussed with Athena.
Composting – Education (State Scrap Food Regulations)
Athena was to make to presentation on this topic. Given she was not able to attend the meeting this discussion was postponed until we can follow up with her.
Beavers – Beaver pond/road flooding
There are two areas where beaver pond locations need to be addressed. The first is on Pennel Hill Road and the second is at the school and Sprague Road. The aims are to find non-lethal solutions to road flooding on Pennel Hill Road and to save trees with fencing or painting near Sprague Road.
On Pennel Hill Road a diverter was installed to protect the culvert. It appears there are problems with the diverter. Linda Huebner volunteers to contact Skip at Beaver Deceivers who installed the diverter.
Jessica suggested a beaver education program for the community in the future, perhaps from Patti Smith.
Linda suggested contacting BEEC for possible resources for the school’s outdoor learning program.
School Letter – Outside Learning Area
Jessica received an email from Principal Sandy Pentak-Cohen requesting help for an outdoor learning area and a nature trail. Jessica will follow up with Sandy as to what help is being requested and what this project entails. We can discuss whether we can provide the requested help.
Rogers Berm Removal
Rogers Berm on Green River Road is to be removed as part of a restoration of the floodplain. This is a Connecticut River Conservancy project. There will be a meeting at the site on August 7, 2020. Bids are due on August 15, 2020. The work is to be completed by October 1, 2020.
Logo – Update
Jessica provided an updated Logo with ‘Source Serif Pro’ font. She will email other members so they can review the logo and to get unanimous agreement on the design. Thank you, Jessica.
Windham Solid Waste Management District application to USDA – Update
Since Athena was not able to attend the meeting, this topic was postponed until we can follow up with her.
Andrea Rand offered to ask Gary Rand and Jason Ashcroft if they would like to volunteer for the construction of the Bulletin Board.
Motion to adjourn made by Linda with second from Stephan. Motion passed 3 – 0 and the meeting adjourned at 7:48 pm.