Regular Meeting, Thursday, February 22, 2024, at 6:30 PM
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Attendees: Stephan Chait (Chair; SC), Lesley Pollitt (Treasurer; LP), Mary Horne (Member; MH), Dov Towler (Member; DT), Laurel Copeland (Clerk; LC), Linda Huebner (guest, LH).
Unable to attend: Marie Caduto (guest; MC).
CALL TO ORDER at 6:31 pm
CHANGES AND/OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA – No additions; change in order until guest is available.
APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES – Regular Meeting Minutes of December 28, 2023, were approved.
Advocating for prohibiting hound hunting and trapping
Support for Act Prohibiting the Hunting of Bear and Coyote with Dogs – H.323.
Support for Act Relating to the Management of Fish and Wildlife – S.258
- MH shared a VTDigger opinion piece by Sen. Chris Bray of Bristol, sponsor of Senate Bill 258, advocating for a balanced board and scientific wildlife management via this bill.
- Both of these bills are still in committee.
- LH talked with Bob Galvin of Animal Wellness Action. They are not loudly promoting the bill because sometimes it is better to keep quiet so there is not a movement to kill a bill.
Water Quality Plan for the Deerfield River Watershed – Draft Plan for Basin 12. – Postponed.
Presentation by Marie Caduto, Watershed Planner, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources
Overview of current status of water quality in Basin 12. – Postponed.
Classification of the Green River – SC explained that the Green River currently has a B1 classification. If increased to A1 or A, then the distance from development would increase (to keep pollutants at a distance). Margo Ghia is a key person in this work to protect the local river waters. Link to info on Basin 12:
LP commented that having a project together around preserving the quality of the water in Basin 12 with other area Conservation Commissions would be valuable. SC will follow up with Margo Ghia.
Impacts of Act 64 (Improving the Quality of State Waters) on Dirt Roads – Bennington Regional Commission on the impact of Act 64, which mandated the big stone-lined ditches along dirt roads in Vermont – Bill Colvin said in a meeting that Bennington has a program where they dig out the riprap, screen it at the town garage, and use the sediment retrieved in other ways. The dirt roads where they have done this drain more quickly than the dirt roads without riprap cleaning.
OTHER BUSINESS – Town Meeting is Tuesday, March 5; information meeting is Tuesday, February 27 at 6pm.
At a neighbor’s house conversation moved to plans to write in a select board member. Bob Teree is running for Select Board unopposed.
Discontinuation of the Casella contract to haul off recyclables from our town garage site will be raised at the Town Hall.
HEARING OF VISITORS – No other comments.
ADJOURNMENT at 7:11 pm.