Date: June 1, 2020
Time: 8:00 PM
Attendance: As Listers for the Town of Halifax: Mary, Brewster, Patricia Dow, Tina Blais
Attendance: As appellants: Steve Brown, Leap Year LLC
Purpose of mtg is a grievance hearing for Leap Year LLC, Steven Brown property address of 1119 Collins Road in the Town of Halifax.
We are assembled to hear grievances today. This hearing we are allowing a maximum of 20 minutes. this meeting is via telephone and complies with open meeting laws. A Letter requesting a grievance hearing has been received. We are here to listen and consider your grievances and we will review and get back to you with our findings in a timely manner. As is the usual process, if you are not satisfied with the remedies of the Board of Listers you can apply for an appeal with the Board of Civil Authority. If you are not satisfied with the findings from the BCA you can appeal to the state hearing officer. If you are then not satisfied with their findings, your final appeal can be to the state supreme court. Are there any questions regarding the process? Steven you are the proxy to the appellant you may go first and state your grievance.
Steve Brown stated he recently purchased the property adjacent to his other currently owned property. The assessed value was $17,700. Through negotiations with the seller, the sale price was lowered to $7,000. This is an empty piece of property and never developed. It is a square property, has road access and believes there are issues on the cost sheet relating to the grading of the property. This piece has water issues from the adjoining property next door. The adjacent property has water damage and water flow issues which resulted in the reduction of the value. Brown wants us to review the sloping of the property.
Mary Brewster explained what goes into assessing a vacant piece of land. The grade and the town land schedule primarily are what is used to establish a value. A grade of 1 is average and this piece has a current grade of 1.18. A one acre lot with a grade of 1, for example, would have a value of $15,000. The adjacent property owned by Leonard Derby has a grade of 1.12, your property with the house on it has a grade of 1.02. The property in question has a grade of 1.18. After the town wide reappraisal is completed, we will have a new land schedule. A site visit will be needed. We will compare the moisture in the adjoining property and compare and make a new determination.
Brown asked if there is existing language in the current land schedule for one acre to be valued at a certain amount? Brewster stated the first two acres assuming a grade of 1, is valued at $15,000 acre. Land valued are front loaded meaning the first two acres are valued at a much higher rate than the additional acres.
Patty Dow asked if we have your permission to walk on and view the land on both properties? Brown stated yes you have my permission to walk on both lots.
The hearing was adjourned at 8:17 pm
Lister findings and decision have been added to the minutes: Changed land grades to 1.07. Changed assessed value from $17,700 to $16,100.
Date: June 1, 2020
Time: 8:33
Attendance: As Listers for the Town of Halifax: Mary, Brewster, Patricia Dow, Tina Blais
Attendance: As appellants: Jeffrey Glaser
Purpose of mtg is a grievance hearing for Jeffrey Glaser property address of 229 Wheeler Road in the Town of Halifax.
We are assembled to hear grievances today. This hearing we are allowing a maximum of 20 minutes. this meeting is via telephone and complies with open meeting laws. A Letter requesting a grievance hearing has been received. We are here to listen and consider your grievances and we will review and get back to you with our findings in a timely manner. As is the usual process, if you are not satisfied with the remedies of the Board of Listers you can apply for an appeal with the Board of Civil Authority. If you are not satisfied with the findings from the BCA you can appeal to the state hearing officer. If you are then not satisfied with their findings, your final appeal can be to the state supreme court. Are there any questions regarding the process? Jeff you are the proxy to the appellant you may go first and state your grievance.
Jeff Glaser stated he has an A frame style of house and the square footage requires a 4’ knee wall for valuation. The dwelling square footage has a 24 x 30’ foundation. There is a 12’deck on back and 8’ deck on front. The second floor is a loft and has a 10’ x 15’ area for standing.
Mary Brewster asked if his question is the 2nd floor square footage? Mr. Glaser stated yes, it is a loft. Brewster stated the dimensions on the Listers Card for the loft are 10’wide, 15’ long. 150 square feet. Glaser agreed.
Brewster asked about the square footage of the basement being 720 square feet, the 1st floor being 912 square feet and the loft being 150 square feet with a total square footage of 1,062 square feet not including the basement. Mr. Glaser wanted to make sure the knee wall was not included. The knee wall takes off 22” off each side and the main floor is only 19’ 6” x 29’ 6” being 579 square feet. There is an extension with an 8’ wall. Brewster stated we start our measurement at the knee wall.
Mr. Glaser asked about the sheds. If they are off the ground are they countable? Brewster stated we will have to look at them. If they are prefab sheds they are not counted. We will look at the percent good, it should not be 100%. The state no longer charges for a basement entrance. The small porch which is 36 square feet will come off. We want to look at the tool shed and the grading of the land.
Hearing was adjourned at 8:50 pm.
Glaser WHL.0229 06/13/20 SV Result of Grievance: lowered grades. Measured porches and 1st floor of house and corrected; Basement 1/2 finished; Roof metal; %good OB changed; deleted sm metal OB Neighborhood 9.
Date: June 1, 2020
Time: 7:30 pm
Attendance: As Listers for the Town of Halifax: Mary, Brewster, Patricia Dow, Tina Blais
Attendance: As appellants: Mitch Green (proxy)
Purpose of mtg is a grievance hearing for Leslie Green property address of 3510 Vermont Route 112, this is an un-landed mobile home, in the Town of Halifax.
We are assembled to hear grievances today. Mitch Green is acting as proxy for Leslie Green. This hearing we are allowing a maximum of 20 minutes. this meeting is via telephone and complies with open meeting laws. A Letter requesting a grievance hearing has been received. We are here to listen and consider your grievances and we will review and get back to you with our findings in a timely manner. As is the usual process, if you are not satisfied with the remedies of the Board of Listers you can apply for an appeal with the Board of Civil Authority. If you are not satisfied with the findings from the BCA you can appeal to the state hearing officer. If you are then not satisfied with their findings, your final appeal can be to the state supreme court. Are there any questions regarding the process? Mitch you are the proxy to the appellant you may go first and state your grievance.
Mr. Green felt the value of the assessment was too high. It was a lot of work to move the mobile home, instead we are going to tear it down and repurpose the materials and discard he rest. It is in rough shape, we were going to use it as a shed, but it is not worth it. It was hard to get permission to move it and to get permits.
Mary Brewster asked if there is a timeline to start and finish the demolition? Green stated the demolition has started a week and a half ago. Brewster stated the Listers would like the majority of the demolition completed by august 1 and asked if it be mostly be done by then? Green agreed. And stated they are planning on cutting the frame in half and moving it and use the steel frame for other things. Green also stated it should be done by August 1.
Brewster stated our usual procedure is to get back to you with our findings. As long as you get started on it. Mr. Green did not have any other questions.
The hearing was adjourned at 7:36 pm.
Lister responses and decisions added to minutes.
Green VTR.3510 06/16/20 Result of Grievance. Trailer is to be destroyed within next month. After all paperwork has been completed thru the town clerk, this property will be removed from Parcel List s
Date: June 1, 2020
Time: 6:58 pm
Purpose of mtg is a grievance hearing for William and Christina Moore property address of 74 Winchester Road in the Town of Halifax.
Attendance: As Listers for the Town of Halifax: Mary, Brewster, Patricia Dow, Tina Blais
Attendance: As appellants: William Moore
We are assembled to hear grievances today. This hearing we are allowing a maximum of 20 minutes. this meeting is via telephone and complies with open meeting laws. A Letter requesting a grievance hearing has been received. We are here to listen and consider your grievances and we will review and get back to you with our findings in a timely manner. As is the usual process, if you are not satisfied with the remedies of the Board of Listers you can apply for an appeal with the Board of Civil Authority. If you are not satisfied with the findings from the BCA you can appeal to the state hearing officer. If you are then not satisfied with their findings, your final appeal can be to the state supreme court. Are there any questions regarding the process? Mr. Moore you are the appellant you may go first and state your grievance.
William Moore stated the inground swimming pool valued at $ 15,000 has been filled in. At this time the swimming pool is the only item needing removal.
Mary Brewster asked if Mr. Moore had any other questions regarding the property card? Mr. Moore did not have any other questions. Brewster continued to review the entire property card line by line. Items on the current property card include the quality and condition are very good, floor coverings are soft wood and carpet, however the State now suggests the floors are given an allowance instead of specifics. Brewster asked about the heating and cooling systems, and stated that the State does not include small window dormers as square footage any longer and small entry porches of 50 square feet or less are also not considered as porches or decks. Brewster asked if there is still a finished basement apartment and if there is still a business rental of 32%? Brewster stated at a site visit we will look at land grades the apartment, outbuildings and decks.
William Moore did not agree with the very good as the quality and condition, he believes it is more at the level of good. He stated the roof will be done this year. Mr. Moore agreed with the floor covering allowance. Also stated they have a 2-3 way split heat exchangers which is a small box outside of the house which heats and cools. There is a propane backup furnace. Mr. Moore stated the basement does not have an apartment, no bath and it is only ½ to 2/3 wood wall. Mrs. Moore does have a business in the house and there is an apartment over the two story garage. There is also two material sheds on the property.
Brewster asked if there are any other questions? And stated we will be in contact in a few days to set up a site visit. The hearing was adjourned at 7:13 pm.
Lister findings and results added to minutes.
Moore WNC.0074
06/10/20 SV as result of Grievance: Lowered grades; quality/condition; %good OB; eliminated basement entrance; dormers, and basement apt; fixtures; flooring allowance; corrected heat, effective age; delete 1 porch 1 patio; Neighborhood 9; garage/apartment to attached; w/ 379sf apt total 977sf.; eliminated pool; made mud room part of house changing sf of house (eliminated dormers)
Date: June 3, 2020
Time: 9:02 am
Purpose of mtg is a grievance hearing for JEREMY CLEVELAND property address of 613 Deer Park in the Town of Halifax.
Attendance: As Listers for the Town of Halifax: Mary, Brewster, Patricia Dow, Tina Blais
Attendance: As appellants: Jeremy Cleveland
We are assembled to hear grievances today. This hearing we are allowing a maximum of 20 minutes. this meeting is via telephone and complies with open meeting laws. A Letter requesting a grievance hearing has been received. We are here to listen and consider your grievances and we will review and get back to you with our findings in a timely manner. As is the usual process, if you are not satisfied with the remedies of the Board of Listers you can apply for an appeal with the Board of Civil Authority. If you are not satisfied with the findings from the BCA you can appeal to the state hearing officer. If you are then not satisfied with their findings, your final appeal can be to the state supreme court. Are there any questions regarding the process? Jeremy you are the appellant you may go first and state your grievance.
Jeremy Cleveland stated his grandfather owned the property and has passed away. We have taken over the property and there is not any power and sewer on the property never has been power nor water nor sewage either.
Mary Brewster stated we have done some research and this will require a site visit just to confirm. In 1990 our records showed no septic or water, in 2010 for some reason it was added and for 10 years there were not any site visits and no one grieved this change in adding water and sewage. All property owners are responsible for checks and balance of any items that are incorrect. We suggest that every 2 years you should check the values of your property listed in the town. In 2010 site improvements appeared on your property. We would like to do a site visit to ascertain no water and no septic. There is a mobile home there and as long as that exists a value has to be put on it. At a site visit we can look at it and give it a value and you can give us feedback.
Cleveland stated they are in the process of selling the trailer and having it removed. New owners are in the process of getting it moved. We do want to put a small structure up in the future. Patty Dow stated there is a process for removal or sale of a mobile home. A mobile home bill of sale and a release has to happen and the taxes have to be paid before a mobile home can be moved from the property. Cleveland stated he thinks the paperwork has been sent in.
Cleveland has given his permission for us to go on the property.
The hearing was adjourned at 9:12 am.
Lister findings and decision are being included in the minutes.
Cleveland DRP.0613
06/16/20 SV Result of Grievance: Mobile Home has been taken off the site. Land inspection:
Changed Neighborhood to 9; Graded land – there is a brook that runs thru the one acre lot which is a detriment to building as there are required easements 75 feet from water, and required feet from road and boundaries. Therefore, the land grade is lowered to .99. Proper Paperwork needs to be dropped of at the Town Office in order to make this final. �B
Date: June 3, 2020
Time: 1:17 pm
Attendance: As Listers for the Town of Halifax were : Mary, Brewster, Patricia Dow, Tina Blais
Attendance as appellants were: Appellants did not call in.
Purpose of meeting is a grievance hearing for MICHAEL & MATTHEW FERRUCCI property address of 1210 Thomas Hill Road in the Town of Halifax.
We are assembled to hear grievances today. This hearing we are allowing a maximum of 20 minutes. this meeting is via telephone and complies with open meeting laws. A Letter requesting a grievance hearing has been received. We are here to listen and consider your grievances and we will review and get back to you with our findings in a timely manner. As is the usual process, if you are not satisfied with the remedies of the Board of Listers you can apply for an appeal with the Board of Civil Authority. If you are not satisfied with the findings from the BCA you can appeal to the state hearing officer. If you are then not satisfied with their findings, your final appeal can be to the state supreme court. Are there any questions regarding the process?
Since the appellants did not call in at the appointed time for their grievance hearing the only evidence we have to use is their letter of grievance. Their letter was read into the minutes for their testimony for this grievance procedure and the findings will reflect their letter. We will call them to ask permission to view their property.
Adjourned at 1:22 pm.
Lister decision and finding added to minutes
Ferrucci TMH.1210
06/16/20 Result of Grievance: Grievance appointment was Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 1PM. No Show. As a reult, with no permission to walk the land, we observed from the road. As compared to abutting properties, the land grades appear to be reasonable. Historically, since 2002 records, the land grades for this property have been considerably higher. Therefore, without the ability to access the 21.4 acres, the value will remain the same.
Date: June 3, 2020
Time : 1:30 pm
Attendance: As Listers for the Town of Halifax are : Mary, Brewster, Patricia Dow, Tina Blais
Attendance as appellants are: Jack Hirsch
Purpose of meeting is a grievance hearing for property address of 5731 Vt Route 112 in the Town of Halifax.
We are assembled to hear grievances today. This hearing we are allowing a maximum of 20 minutes. this meeting is via telephone and complies with open meeting laws. A Letter requesting a grievance hearing has been received. We are here to listen and consider your grievances and we will review and get back to you with our findings in a timely manner. As is the usual process, if you are not satisfied with the remedies of the Board of Listers you can apply for an appeal with the Board of Civil Authority. If you are not satisfied with the findings from the BCA you can appeal to the state hearing officer. If you are then not satisfied with their findings, your final appeal can be to the state supreme court. Are there any questions regarding the process? Jack
you are the appellant you may go first and state your grievance.
Jack Hirsch stated he submitted a real estate appraisal. Since the recent appraisal, nothing has been built on the property. He purchased it to eventually move out here and build. He believes the value of the property is a lot higher than my appraisal.
Mary Brewster explains what the factors are for raw land. These are factors are for everyone in town and the entire State of Vermont.
#1: the land schedule is the price per acre. We are in the midst of a reappraisal which will be reflected in 2022. The land schedule will change at that time and property values will change also at that time. Your value will be subject to change in 2022 tax bills. The land schedule in Vermont and in Halifax is front loaded. Every property in town takes the first two acres and it is called a building lot (a housesite), and is valued at a higher rate.
2: Grade. The grade is based on two factors, the first 2 acres then the remaining acreage. The first 2 acres are graded by the road itself, access, shape, drainage, waterway, topography, utilities, then add up and divide by 7 to get an average. Then view is added. Then divide by 2. Then the remaining acres are graded the same way.
# 3: neighborhood. Each road has a value of either 8, 9 or 10. The properties you are comparing are 9’s and not 10 . Vermont Route 112 has a neighborhood of 10.
Hirsch stated he understands how they are valued and would like to know how the appraisal comes in to play? Brewster stated we do not base our grievance on the appraisal. The comparables which are stated on the appraisal are on a road grade of 9, and the they are spaghetti lots. The main thing that brings your lot higher is it is on Vermont Route 112 and it has good access and is a paved road. No water ways, level, utilities are at the road, view is at the lowest it can be. Hirsch stated it is a sloping type of property. He does grant permission for us to view the property. Brewster stated we use the same questions for the remaining acres to get a grade.
Hirsch also stated 1 ½ acres are on the other side of the road….which is part of the gorge. Brewster asked if that common acres? Hirsch stated yes it is common area. Brewster asked if that was a detriment to the property. Hirsch stated it is a liability. It is not a benefit.
Brewster stated we would like to visit your property next Wednesday, and we will write a formal letter. Hirsch stated that is quite fair.
Hearing as adjourned at 1:43 pm.
Lister findings and responses added to minutes
Hirsch VTR.5731 6/10/20 Result of Grievance/Site Visit: Lowered Land Grades House site: 1.07 Remaining Acres: .95
Date: June 6, 2020
Time : 11:00 am
Attendance: As Listers for the Town of Halifax are: Mary, Brewster, Patricia Dow
Attendance as appellants are: Tristan Roberts
Purpose of meeting is a grievance hearing for TRISTAN ROBERTS property address of 1015 THURBER ROAD in the Town of Halifax.
We are assembled to hear grievances today. This hearing we are allowing a maximum of 20 minutes. this meeting is via telephone and complies with open meeting laws. A Letter requesting a grievance hearing has been received. We are here to listen and consider your grievances and we will review and get back to you with our findings in a timely manner. As is the usual process, if you are not satisfied with the remedies of the Board of Listers you can apply for an appeal with the Board of Civil Authority. If you are not satisfied with the findings from the BCA you can appeal to the state hearing officer. If you are then not satisfied with their findings, your final appeal can be to the state supreme court. Are there any questions regarding the process? TRISTAN you are the appellant you may go first and state your grievance.
Tristan Roberts stated the square footage in the dwelling went up to 2,286 and looks like a clerical error and to look at the value of the outbuildings.
Mary Brewster stated there is a 1,200 square foot outbuilding apartment, and it was added to living space the area should be 1,086. Another error in the outbuilding apartment, 2nd floor is listed as a material shed and is it a 2nd floor outbuilding apartment? Roberts stated the downstairs is more finished.
Brewster stated we value intention and then % done. We have 32% done. Roberts stated it is an apartment and 32% done is more correct. Brewster stated I will check with our District Advisory to make sure it is recorded correctly. He has an outbuilding apartment 1st floor 600 square feet 2nd floor same, that building is 32% done.
Hearing Adjourned at 11:08 am
Lister findings and decision have been added to the minutes: Roberts THR.1015
06/16/20 Result of Grievance: SF of house corrected should have been 1086sf; OB apartment changed to Section 2 – M