Town of Halifax
Zoning Board of Adjustment
Public Hearing Minutes May 7, 2020
Members present: Turner Lewis, Bill Pusey, Kaitlin Stone, Tommy Fox
Also present: Kevin Flynn, Erik Hansen, Katherine Belisle, Paul Blais, and Tina Blais
Minutes for the Hansen/Belisle ZBA Hearing, Permit Application 20-5
Note: The meeting was a WebEx meeting conducted by telephone for all parties involved.
Lewis opened the meeting at 7:15 pm stating that the only reason for the meeting was to set a date in the future to continue the hearing due to COVID-19 distancing. Lewis stated that they would schedule a date where everyone could meet right at the house and maintain social distancing. He then opened for discussion on a future date. Fox and Stone agreed and stated they were fine with any date, sooner the better. Flynn stated that we were in a meeting and why we could not proceed with the hearing. Lewis responded with, the only purpose for this meeting tonight is to reschedule the hearing to a later date so that we can meet on the property and maintain social distancing. Belisle then asked if the reason for postponing the meeting was so that everyone could be on the property and see where the work was going to be done, and if they needed to provide pictures or sketches. Lewis said yes, and no they did not have to provide any photos or sketches Blais is working on getting them from Bill Moore the Zoning commissioner.
Lewis made a motion to meet at 7:00 pm May 26, 2020, GRR.1070 to continue the hearing. Fox seconded the motion that passed 4-0. Hearing was closed at 7:25 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Tina Blais
ZBA Secretary