Town of Halifax, Vermont
NOVEMBER 16, 2020


Call to Order

Turner Lewis called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m. Zoning Board of Adjustment members, Turner Lewis, Kaitlin Stone, and Tommy Fox were present. Bill Pusey and Jason Ashcroft were not in attendance. Also present Tina Blais.

Changes and Additions to Agenda


Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

 New Business


  • Lewis began by stating that the Commissioners were gathered at 297 Shearer Hill Road to view the proposed boundary lines for the requested subdivision and to get a better understanding of why the Pusey’s are requesting 250 feet of road frontage instead of the three hundred that is required by the town.
  • Lewis explained that he had an informal information-gathering meeting with Bill Pusey on Friday November 13, 2020. He was shown the proposed boundary’s that were staked out and asked questions as to why the request for only 250 feet of road frontage so that he could take that knowledge back to the rest of the Commissioners at Monday November 16, 2020 special meeting.
  • Lewis then showed the Commissioners where the boundary lines were set to be on each side of the road if the appeal were approved. He also explained that on the house side of the road the 250-foot request was because the barn and barnyard were right there and the 300 feet would cut into it.

Stone asked if the proposed boundary would interfere with the VAST snowmobile trail that runs along the border of the Pusey property. Lewis explained that there would not be any interference with the trail.

On the opposite side of the road, the reason for the 250-foot road frontage request is that the area around the pond that would be divided by the 300-foot requirement is swampy and would affect the integrity of the pond if divided at the 300 foot mark. The Pusey’s would rather not have to do that.

Fox asked where the son (who is purchasing the property) intended to build and Lewis stated that all the building would occur to the best of his knowledge, on the barn side of the road.

There were no other questions from Fox or Stone. They wrapped up the conversation by stating that if they approve this appeal they would like to have a condition in the final paperwork stating that there can be no future dividing of the proposed acreage in consideration of being subdivided.

The commissioners then went inside and Patti Pusey showed them the survey map and reiterated the information that Lewis passed along about the boundary lines, the barn/barnyard, and the pond.

Old Business


Other Business


Hearing of Visitors



Lewis closed the meeting at 10:33 a.m..

Respectfully submitted,
Tina Blais
Zoning Board of Adjustment Secretary