Town of Halifax, Vermont
January 6, 2010
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM. Members in attendance were Acting Chair Howard Alboum, Norman Fajans, Craig Stone, Sirean LaFlamme, and William Pusey. Others in attendance were Margo Avakian, Charles Molineaux, John Kuhn, Jane Kuhn, Robin Stern, Rick Gay, Jeff Miner, Mike Bruno, Merrill Mundell, and Secretary Phyllis Evanuk.
Public Hearing – Kuhn Subdivision – Aldrich Road
Mr. Alboum opened the public hearing and invited Robin Stern, Esq. and Jane Kuhn to address the Commissioners. They explained the scope of the proposal, which is to divide out a 25+/- acre parcel on the south side of Aldrich Road, from a 175+/- acre parcel. They advised that the remaining 150+/- acre parcel will be retained under the current ownership.
Mr. Alboum asked if there were any questions, comments or concerns from people in attendance. Mr. Molineaux advised he was concerned about the two gravel pits on the remaining 150+/- acre parcel and advised he thought they were in violation because it is in a residential zone. It was pointed out to Mr. Molineaux that while his concern has been noted, the only matter under review at this time is the subdivision, not the remaining parcel or any development on that parcel.
Mrs. Kuhn advised that the gravel extraction operation has been in existence since before zoning and that much of the gravel taken from the pits is used to maintain portions of Aldrich Road. She also noted that the Town of Halifax purchases gravel from the operation for use on roads in town. She advised that no changes to the operation are proposed and Ms. Stern advised that it should not impact this subdivision approval.
There were no other negative concerns and public hearing was recessed to the end of the evening when a deliberative session would be held and a decision made.
Merrill Mundell – Review of Hardgrove lot line adjustment plan
Mr. Mundell was in attendance to explain the existing irregularities of the Hardgrove/Ashcraft property on Brook Road. He explained that most of the development at the site predated zoning and the lots are nonconforming. Some have property lines running through structures; some have wells and septic systems on different lots. The proposal he presented would adjust the lot lines to be sure each of the dwellings and the related wells and septic systems are on the proper lot. He noted that these need to be addressed before any further development or subdivision of the remainder property can be undertaken.
Mr. Gay was in attendance to review this proposal also. He advised that he agreed with Mr. Mundell and the Planning Commission that this solution is in the best interests of all concerned. He is the person responsible for approving lot line adjustments, but said he was glad that the Commission had also reviewed and approved the plan.
A letter will be sent to Mr. Mundell outlining the acceptance of the Planning Commission.
The Commissioners thanked Mr. Mundell for clarifying the situation and advised they appreciated his thoroughness.
At 8:07 PM it was moved, seconded, and unanimously approved to enter deliberative session to consider the Kuhn Subdivision.
At 8:15 PM the Commissioners closed the deliberative session.
Mr. Alboum moved to approve the Mary Jane R. Kuhn subdivision of a 25+/- acre parcel from a 175+/- parcel on Aldrich Road as presented in the Boundary Survey by Malcolm Moore, P.L.S.
Mr. Stone seconded the motion, which carried 5-0.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Phyllis H. Evanuk
Secretary 27