November 21, 2023
Pete Silverberg called meeting to order at 6:00pm. Selectboard members present were Edee Edwards and Patrick McAllister. Other people present in person or remote were Cara Cheyette, Laurel Copeland, and Tia Anderson.
The following changes were made to the meeting agenda:
- Postpone driveway permit
- The Cemetery Commission Report presentation was not warned so will be warned and presented at the next regular Selectboard meeting on December 5.
Due to the limited number of Selectboard members present, the Chair determined to add approval of the minutes from Oct. 17, Oct. 18, Oct. 30 and Nov. 7, as well as the minutes from today’s meeting, to the next regular Selectboard meeting on December 5.
McAllister raised the point that some of the minutes looked like they had been directly copied from a transcript of the meeting. It was agreed that minutes should always be directly written by the Secretary or another member present with consideration given to grammar, syntax and spelling for ease of review and comprehension.
Edwards raised the point that the 17 October minutes are missing the bid information for the new truck and this must be added into the minutes for public record, including identification of the truck in question as well as the name, address and amounts bid as well as any additional important information from the bids opened by the Selectboard.
The Chair made the point that it is always a fine balance of how much information to add into the minutes while avoiding being overwhelming. Edwards volunteered to check on guidance from VLCT. McAllister requested that once the guidance is agreed by the Selectboard it be added to the Rules of Procedure.
Halifax Youtube Channels
A lively discussion on the topic included the following key points:
- The Chair noted that he believes the Secretary has resolved this issue and will confirm with her.
- Cara Cheyette offered some history of the establishment of the “Halifax Selectboard” Youtube Channel to allow the video recording of Selectboard meetings to be made available without the (large) cost of paying for Zoom storage.
- The Chair noted that the recordings must be publicly available and the Selectboard needs to ensure it works and works well.
- Edwards noted the link must be available on the draft minutes to allow checking for accuracy and suggested this could be perhaps added to the work Gretchen Havreluk is doing as part of Communications. She also would like hard copies to be stored in the office.
- This conversation to be added to the next regular Selectboard meeting on December 5.
Review additional revisions and guidance for Highway Supervisor and Road Commissioner roles
The Selectboard reviewed the revised job descriptions and agreed that before finalizing the Chair and Edwards will discuss technical issues with the Department of Labor, and the physical and mental demands of the job with the incumbent.
The question of whether the Selectboard has a preference as to the Road Commissioner being a Selectboard member, the Highway Supervisor or another individual will be added to the agenda of the next regular Selectboard meeting on December 5.
Sale of Property at 149 Wheeler Place
McAllister described some of the history of the property that the town acquired at tax sale as well as his discussions with Attorney Fisher and the Windham and Windsor Housing Trust. The salient points are that due to its fiduciary interest the town should not attempt to keep any proceeds from a sale over and above what it is owed, and that it will be difficult and possibly costly to make the property available to an affordable housing agency.
- McAllister moved to convey the property at 149 Wheeler Place in a manner to make the town whole and get it back onto the tax rolls as quickly as possible. Seconded by Edwards. Approved 3-0
Upcoming Special Meetings
Edwards noted that the Selectboard will likely not have the final budget for approval at the December 12 meeting and that a subsequent meeting will need to be scheduled.
McAllister requested that the ARPA Decision meeting be moved to 13 December, which was agreed pending consultation with Selectboard members not present. Edwards suggested we should address the question of whether there are other town expenses that should be covered with some of the ARPA funds and this can be part of the discussion at the meeting. The Chair will determine who to invite as moderator.
Vacant Positions
The Chair noted there are the following vacant positions. He will determine what oaths, signatures, etc… are needed for each:
- 911 Coordinator
- Edwards reminded the Selectboard that Dennis Annear was appointed to this position at the meeting on 2 May 2023
- Senior Solutions
- Edwards noted that she had tried to contact Senior Solutions without success and this position should be re-considered
- Green Up Vermont
- Edwards noted that there are 2 positions, one held by Jessica Cooney but one more required and should be decided early because this occurs soon after Town Meeting Day
The Chair will work with the Town Clerk to get the list of open positions so that we can begin recruiting.
Tia Anderson purchased her house on Aldrich Road near the border with Whitingham in September 2023 and requested the town plow the road all the way to the town line. Some discussion ensued about a previous effort to re-classify that portion of Aldrich Road as per minutes of a meeting on 9/25/2018. Anderson agreed to send the Selectboard Secretary the information she has and the Selectboard will review and discuss with the Highway Supervisor. No decisions made.
No Executive Session was held.
November 21st order total: $ 11,661.68
Patrick McAllister made motion to adjourn at 7:45pm. Edee Edwards seconded. Passed 3-0.
(Minutes by Patrick McAllister.)
Recording link: