Town of Halifax, Vermont


January 13, 2014


Call to Order


The meeting was called to order at 8:04 am at the town office.  Board members in attendance were Edee Edwards, Lewis Sumner, and Earl Holtz (at 8:25am). Others in attendance were Jessica Bruno and Brad Rafus.



Road Commissioner’s Orders


The road commissioner’s orders were reviewed and signed. Rafus inquired whether he could hire a truck and operator to haul sand as they very low and can’t keep up with it. He believes it will cost approximately $500/day.


Edwards made a motion to temporarily hire a truck and operator to replenish the town’s sand at the road commissioner’s discretion. Sumner seconded the motion, which passed 2-0-0.


Other Business


Edwards reported that they received a permit from ANR for bridge #37 Old County North for July 1, 2014 through October 1, 2014. Todd Menees recommends filing a letter requesting an extension to fit the 5/19/14 start date. Edwards also noted that they have not received the extension from VTrans regarding the construction grant.


Edwards reported that Todd Menees indicated that the town is likely to receive an enforcement action letter pertaining to the culvert replacement on Pennell Hill Rd as the water level has been reduced by about 1 foot. The town has 10 days after receipt of the letter to call Menees (and follow up via e-mail) so that he can do a site visit and figure out what action should be taken. Rafus indicated that he also spoke with Menees and explained that the reason the water level dropped was because the old culvert collapsed and water wasn’t flowing through it.


The Selectboard discussed notifying the town attorney regarding the potential issues that may arise as a result of the VTel tower project. They discussed their findings after reading the Halifax history books, and it was noted that section 108 will manage the historical impacts regardless of what the Selectboard determines.


Edwards noted that they received an updated bridge estimate from Holden Engineering for Old County North bridge, and it is for more than the first one. It was also noted that they may need to spend an additional $10k (approx) for construction oversight which is not covered by the grant.






The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 am.


Respectfully submitted,


Jessica Bruno

Selectboard Secretary