Town of Halifax, Vermont


March 10, 2014


Call to Order


The meeting was called to order at 8:05 am at the town office.  Board members in attendance were Earl Holtz, Edee Edwards and Lewis Sumner. Others in attendance were Jessica Bruno, Keith Stone, Patricia Dow and Brad Rafus.


Other Business


Agenda items for next Tuesday


-Interim Zoning




-The Selectboard received a letter from the attorney for Dennison Lumber/Ashfield Stone regarding the quarry. The lawyers are inquiring whether municipal services will be provided (fire and emergency), and whether an access permit is required. An Act 250 municipal impact questionnaire was also included.

-The Selectboard received a new bill from VLCT for an additional $1k (approx) due to the new fire truck.

-The Selectboard received a new report for the monitoring wells. It was corrected to include a road name change (Branch Rd changed to Brook Rd).


Hale Road Mailbox

Keith Stone reported that he is certain that our vehicle did not damage the mailbox in Guilford in question, and provided details on where the grader was that day. He spoke to the homeowner and explained that our grader was not in his area that day. It was also mentioned that the homeowner had contacted the Guilford highway department as well.



A driveway permit was reviewed and signed.


Edwards will advertise the paid appointed positions in town.


Dow presented an insert that the Windham Housing Trust would like put in the tax bill mailing. The Selectboard does not want the insert to go out with the tax bills, but they can be made available at the town office or on the website.


The Selectboard would like an updated bridge and culvert inventory. Rafus will work on it in the upcoming months.



Road Commissioner’s Orders


The road commissioner’s orders were reviewed and signed.


Hearing of Visitors

None present.



Meeting was closed at 9:23 am.


Respectfully submitted,


Jessica Bruno

Selectboard Secretary