Town of Halifax, Vermont

July 22, 2014


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:31 p.m. Selectboard members present were Lewis Sumner, Edee Edwards, and Earl Holtz. Robbin Gabriel was also present.

New Business

Work Session to Write Job Description for Administrative Assistant
Using a previous Town of Readsboro publication as the basis for their work, the Board created a full job description in anticipation of hiring a Selectboard Administrative Assistant. After reading through the template and making item-by-item additions, deletions, and revisions, they incorporated ideas from the lists each had composed independently, and then compared the new document with the town’s existing job descriptions for other positions to pinpoint and clarify areas of overlap and interaction.

The document’s catalog of job functions is designed to cover a wide range of possibilities. While board members agreed that performance of some tasks might be only occasionally required, the description’s wording will permit the assistant—under direction of the Selectboard—to provide backup and behind-the-scenes support in a variety of town government areas. One particular benefit: An administrative assistant’s presence will eliminate the need for alternate Monday morning Selectboard meetings to process the Road Commissioner’s orders.

The new assistant’s duties will include attendance at all regular and special Selectboard meetings, assistance with special projects, preparation of financial reports and budget analyses to facilitate Selectboard financial decision-making, preparation and review of Selectboard billing and orders, processing requests for quotes and purchase orders, assistance with preparing the annual budget and town report, and execution of research and writing assignments relating to grants, projects, town ordinances and policies.

After a final perusal and formatting adjustments, the document was deemed satisfactorily completed. The Board then gave consideration to which weekdays they would prefer to have the new hire present in the town office, and discussed the availability of a laptop computer for that person’s use. Edwards made a motion to advertise the Selectboard Administrative Assistant position and simultaneously advertise the open position for Co-EMD. Sumner seconded the motion, which passed, 3-0. $12,000 was budgeted and approved at Town Meeting to pay an administrative assistant. The Board tentatively agreed that stipend might reasonably translate into 10-14 service hours per week. Edwards will write the advertisement and research posting costs.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:11 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Robbin Gabriel
Selectboard Secretary