Town of Halifax, Vermont

August 6, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 7:43 PM at the Halifax Town Office. Board members in attendance were Doug Grob and Edee Edwards.  Lewis Sumner was unable to attend. No members of the public attended.

Preparation for Town Employee Reviews

Edwards and Grob walked through the current budget for wages, and the history of recent wage and work-week hour changes for the road crew. Edwards had started to compile data from the 2014 wages and benefits VLCT reports. Towns with similar populations, road lengths, grand list values, were selected along with neighboring towns, but the final data from each of them, if available, still needs to be added.

We are also lacking final year end data from our last budget year along with overtime and regular hours worked; Patty Dow is going to supply that. Edwards will add that to recent wage change data when it is received.

Grob asked questions about the review process and also about an insurance loss report. Edwards also discussed benefits and briefly noted we have a new personnel handbook which is just about 1 year old now.

Hearing of Visitors


The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. No decisions were made or votes taken.

Respectfully submitted,
Edee Edwards, Selectboard Vice Chair & Secretary Pro tem