Town of Halifax, Vermont
June 18, 2020
This year’s Cael Scholarship Award meeting was held at 5:59 p.m. in the Halifax School/Town Office parking lot. Selectboard members Lewis Sumner, Mitchell Green, and Bradley Rafus and School Board members Chum Sumner, Paul Blais, and Jessica Cooney were present, as was Robbin Gabriel. Lewis Sumner advised that only one application was received this year, and it has been reviewed by both Boards. Currently there is $1,579 available in interest on the fund; this year’s earnings plus a few dollars left as seed in 2019. Green recommended awarding $1,500 this year. Lewis Sumner said that in 2019 something over $1,300 was available and the Boards had awarded $1,000. He suggested a $1,000 amount this year. Paul Blais made a motion to award the applicant, Melanie Dow, $1,000, divided between two semesters, $500 in August 2020 and $500 in January 2021. Chum Sumner seconded the motion, which passed, 6-0.
Chum Sumner recommended the Cael scholarship application be updated, as there has been some confusion in the last few years regarding differing versions of the document. Only the EFC (Estimated Family Cont ribution) information is needed, said Chum; we can eliminate the personal information page. All agreed and Chum said he would discuss with the school and then an updated application could be posted on the Town website.
Other Business
As the School owns the building that houses the Town Office, Brad Rafus asked the two Boards for permission to proceed with the installation of upgraded overhead lights in the office. The Selectboard budgeted for that project in FY20, and JC Electric has time to schedule the work now. There will be some reimbursement amount available from Efficiency Vermont. All present agreed, and Gabriel will inform JC Electric.
Sumner made a motion to adjourn, with unanimous approval, at 6:04 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Robbin Gabriel
Selectboard Secretary