Town of Halifax, VT

Minutes – Special Meeting

January 28, 2012

Call to Order

A special meeting of the Halifax Selectboard was held at the Town Office, called to order at 9:15 am.  Present were Selectboard members John LaFlamme, Lewis Sumner and Edee Edwards.  Members of the public present during portions of the meeting included Andy Rice and Roy Richardson.

New Business

The main purpose of the meeting was to draft the town warning articles.  The first discussion, due to the visitors present, had to do with articles related to the town constable position.  Because of changes in Vermont state law, town constables will have very limited authority as of July 1, 2012, unless they get certified.

After lengthy discussion, including recommendations made by the Vermont League of Cities and Towns, Edee Edwards made a motion to add an article to the Town Warning and an Australian ballot question, to ask the voters if they would make the Town Constable position(s) appointed positions.  John LaFlamme seconded the motion, which passed 3-0.

The remaining articles were each discussed, including a few final budget adjustments.  Edee Edwards agreed to finalize the typed warning and submit it to Patty Dow for review and final formatting.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 1:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Edee Edwards, Selectboard member