Office of the Select Board
Town of Halifax, Vermont


Special Meeting

March 2, 2012.

Board members present were John LaFlamme, Lewis Sumner, Edee Edwards.  Others attending were Brad Rafus, Christina Moore, Earl Holtz, Joe Tamburrino, Patty Dow.

The meeting was called to order at 9:08 AM

The board updated the progress on the road work and the FEMA paperwork.

The board reviewed long term bond options between 10 year and 20 year terms.  Christina Moore asked the question of possibilities of paying off the bond early and the board responded that it was not known at this time.

Further review of the towns cash flow situation for the up coming year to project needed finances to continue the road repairs and normal operating expenses.  Patty Dow advised the board that the town still owed about $500,000 to the school and a payment to the state of about $150,000 is due on June first.  Patty also informed the board that there is roughly about $500,000 in the general fund for operating expenses.  The board agreed that further review of the situation after town meeting would clarify some of the variables.

John LaFlamme made a motion to remove the road closure status for Deer Park Rd from Josh Rd. to the intersection of Green River Road.  Edee Edwards seconded.  3-0

Earl Holtz gave the board copied of the bullet point report from the lessons learned task force for the Select Boards review and any further action.

Edee Edwards made a motion to go into executive session for a personnel issue, John seconded. 3-0. 10:35 AM

At 11:00 AM the board returned and advised that no action was taken.

Edee Edwards made a motion to eliminate the position of financial record keeper to the Select Board effective immediately.  Lewis Sumner seconded. 3-0

Brad Rafus advised the board that one member of the road crew had an issue on Stowe Mountain Rd near the intersection with Jacksonville Stage Rd.  Ben Barnett was snow plowing when Mr Andrews came to the truck in front of his property claiming that he was plowing too far towards his house.  The confrontation resulted in Mr Andrews punching the drivers door of the town truck two times.  Brad updated the State Police of the situation.  The Select Board advised no action at this time.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 AM

Respectfully submitted,

John LaFlamme, chairman of the board