MARCH 21, 2023 


Silverberg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Selectboard members present were Pete Silverberg, Patrick McAllister, Edee Edwards, Karen Christofferson, and Tristan Roberts. Others in attendance in person or remotely were Doug and Marilou Parkhurst, Mike Fournier, Stephan Chait, Raleigh Brown & David Meyer, Meg Staloff, Raquel Smith, Bob Teree, and Laurel Copeland. 




McAllister is not yet sworn in for his new seat on the Selectboard. Edwards and Christofferson have been sworn in. 

Edwards nominated Silverberg as the Chair of the Selectboard, seconded by Roberts, passed 3-0 with Silverberg abstaining. 

Silverberg nominated Edwards as the Vice-Chair, seconded by Christofferson, passed 3-0 with Edwards abstaining.  

Edwards moved to have the date and time of the regular Selectboard meetings remain the same, every first and third Tuesday at 6:00 pm at the Town Office and also online. The motion was seconded by Silverberg, passed 4-0.  

Edwards proposed that we designate the newspapers of record as the Deerfield Valley News and the Commons, to use other papers as necessary for the purpose of timely posting. Silverberg seconded. Roberts proposed an amendment to just use the Deerfield Valley News, and Edwards seconded. The amendment passed 4-0 and the amended motion to have the Deerfield Valley News be the newspaper of record for Halifax for the coming year passed 4-0.

Roberts encourages the board to review the Rules of Procedure under Administrative Policies on the website and adopt at the next meeting. If there are any changes that can be made, it will be spoken about at the next meeting. 


Will revisit at the next meeting.


Terms expiring in 2023:

Edwards motioned to reappoint Tom Fox for a 3 year term for Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment, seconded by Roberts, passed 4-0.

Edwards motioned to reappoint Stephan Chait and Laurel Copeland for a 4 year term to the Halifax Conservation Commission.

Roberts motioned to reappoint Patricia Dow, Paul Blais, Tina Blais, Joan Courser, Gary Rand, and Andrea Rand to the Celebration Committee for a 1 year term. The motion was seconded by Edwards, passed 4-0. There is an open position for the Celebration Committee. 

Silverberg nominated to reappoint Tristan Roberts, Stephan Chait, Jennie Strowe, David Jones, and Thomas Fischer to the Broadband Committee.

Silverberg will reach out to David Jones to see if he would like to be a DV Fiber Rep and Deerfield Valley Communications District Primary Contact. We will defer this appointment to the next meeting. The due date is April 25th to nominate the Deerfield Valley Communications District Rep and alternates.

Edwards nominated Mike Fournier to be the Road Commissioner for a 1 year term, seconded by Silverberg, passed 4-0. The board will revamp the Road Supervisor and Commissioner job description and offload some of Fournier’s responsibilities.

Edwards nominated Sue Kelly to be reappointed as the Tree Warden in perpetuity until she decides to step down or someone new is reappointed, seconded by Roberts, passed 4-0. The tree warden does not need to be nominated every year, but it must be reported to the state every year.

Edwards nominated Andy Rice as the Animal Control Officer (pound keeper) for a 1 year term, seconded by Christofferson, passed 4-0.

Silverberg moved to appoint Edee Edwards and Stephan Chait as the Windham Regional Commission Rep for 1 year, seconded by Roberts, passed 3-0 with Edwards Abstaining. 

Rick Gay nominated as The Acting/Alternate Zoning Administrator. There are no pending permits. Silverberg will reach out to Gay to see if he can serve as the full Zoning Admin. We will defer this and discuss at the next meeting.

Lewis Sumner and Stephan Chait nominated as the rep for Windham Solid Waste Management District for a 1 year term by Edwards, seconded by Silverberg, passed 4-0. 

Edwards motioned to reappoint Allen Dacey and Andrew Rice to the Loan Review Committee for 1 year terms, seconded by Silverberg, passed 4-0. This is for a fund for residents who need help with home restorations. These are the individuals who would review the applications when requests come in for loans.

Roberts nominated Robert Leete to be reappointed for the ADA Coordinator for 1 year term, seconded by Silverberg, passed 4-0.

Wayne Courser is retiring from the Chief of Firefighters. Silverberg will reach out to Courser to see if he would like to be renominated as the E-911 Coordinator for 1 year term.

Silverberg nominated Lewis Sumner as the Recycling Coordinator for 1 year term, seconded by Christofferson, passed 4-0.

Edwards motioned to renominate Hope Phelan and Jessica Cooney for 1 year term as the rep for Green-Up VT, seconded by Christofferson, passed 4-0.

Edwards motioned to reappoint Paul Blais as Emergency Management Director for a 1 year term, seconded by Silverberg, passed 4-0. 

Sue Kelly was nominated by Edwards as Town Health Officer for 3 years, seconded by Silverberg, passed 4-0. 

 Andrew Rice, nominated by Silverberg for Citation Ticket Responsibility, seconded by Christofferson, passed 4-0.

Silverberg nominated Robert Leete for Energy Conservation Officer for 1 year term, seconded by Christofferson, passed 4-0. 

Silverberg motioned to appoint Andrew Rice for First Constable for a 1 year term, seconded by Christofferson, passed 4-0. Edwards would like to revisit what the constable’s responsibilities, certifications, and limitations of the role is sometime this year. 

The Second Constable will be discussed with Rice before appointing.  

There is an open position for the Council on Aging. Edwards can speak to the roles and responsibilities of this position if anyone is interested.   


The audit findings will be discussed at the next regular meeting when Bonnie Batchelder can join. The weaknesses in the internal controls is what will be discussed. If anyone has questions about the financial statements, that can be discussed separately at any time. Meg Staloff from BDCC stated that The VLCT has financial advisors that the board can book online appointments with to take advantage of their services. 

Silverberg will sign the ACT 250 Questionnaire for 86 Shearer Hill Rd at the end of the meeting.

The G3 bike race that happens every year in July will be moved to June 24th this year. They will continue to donate to the Fire Department as they do annually. Silverberg made a motion to approve this race, seconded by Christofferson, passed 4-0. 

There will be a community meeting on Saturday with Meg Staloff to help brainstorm and discuss what the 5 main goals for the town would be, on a municipal level and on the community level. This may include the use of ARPA Funds. Staloff will create a report with these findings and see what we can do to grow our community in ways that are aligned with our goals.


No new updates on ARPA Funds or town garage roof.

Edwards made a motion to advertise for this opening in the Deerfield Valley News and Brattleboro Reformer, seconded by Silverberg, passed 4-0. If someone would like to be appointed as interim, that can be an option as well. 

There is an opening for the Selectboard Secretary and Administrative Assistant position. Please email halifaxsecretary@gmail.com with your resume if interested.






Edwards made a motion to go into executive session to discuss a personnel issue, seconded by Silverberg, passed 4-0. The board came out of executive session at 8:41 with no decisions made. Those present were Edee Edwards, Karen Christofferson, Peter Silverberg, Patrick McAllister, and Roza Podlaski. 


The order was read and signed. 


No Overweight permits to sign. 

Roberts motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Silverberg. Passed 3-0. Meeting adjourned at 8:51 pm.


Respectfully Submitted,

Roza Podlaski

For the Selectboard

Recording link:

March 21, 2023 Regular Selectboard Meeting