Town of Halifax, Vermont
October 15, 2013

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:33 pm.  Board members in attendance were Lewis Sumner, Earl Holtz, and Edee Edwards. Others in attendance were Jessica Bruno, Orrin Isles and grandchild, Len Derby, Wayne Courser, Margo Avakian, and Greg Marguet.

Approval of Minutes

Edwards made a motion to accept the October 1, 2013 Regular meeting minutes with a correction on page 3. Sumner seconded the motion, which passed 3-0-0.

Edwards made a motion to accept the October 2, 2013 Emergency meeting minutes with a correction. Sumner seconded the motion, which passed 3-0-0.

Edwards made a motion to accept the October 7, 2013 Regular meeting minutes with a correction. Holtz seconded the motion, which passed 2-0-1 (Sumner abstained).

New Business

Fire Truck Accident

Edwards requested that the Selectboard be notified if an accident occurs that would impact the town since they cover the insurance. Courser reported that he completed all of the paperwork and the insurance adjuster has already visited. The adjuster may come down again with another individual that is more familiar with fire trucks. Edwards suggested that perhaps the fire department put a note in the town report along with the services provided as there is a budget factor involved. It was noted that normally Sumner would have been able to report about the incident but he was away when it happened.

Hearing of Visitors

Derby reported that a ram was found in the North River at the Rte112 intersection. It doesn’t appear to belong to anyone in the area. The VLCT and Humane Society advised to post the information about the missing animal for 6 days and then the person housing the animal may keep it. Derby reported that the animal has already been housed for 3 weeks.

Derby reported that he had to take a 6 year old Rottweiler dog to the humane society and it was admitted as a stray. The owner had been neglecting it and it was wandering the roads. If it’s not claimed, they’ll try to adopt it out. The town will incur boarding fees.

Orrin Isles expressed that he was there regarding the gravel contract letter on behalf of Nathan from Colrain Sand & Gravel as he could not attend himself. Isles expressed that in April, Rafus asked to postpone deliveries as there was no money available to pay until after July. They agreed although they had a planned delivery for June 1st. Nathan flipped your order with another. Rafus called in mid July asking for 1000 yards and it was delivered. He explained that they are a small company and don’t overextend on contracts, so when the town changed their contract, they scrambled for other work. No one expressed concern to close the contract until mid September. They need to finish the Colrain contract and Halifax is next. There is no way to get 2500 yards by November 1st as nine days of trucking are required and they can’t crush and load trucks the same day. If the town needs a specific amount immediately, they can try and do it, but for the full 2500 yards, we’re looking at a completion date around December 1st. He expressed that Rafus only left one message to close the contract. They can crush 150-200 yards per day in good weather and the Halifax requires it to state spec which is an additional process. When they received the letter, they both went up to talk to Rafus at lunch and at 4:30 but had missed him both times. The Selectboard advised that he get in touch with Rafus to work it out. Isles noted that he will try and get in touch with Rafus personally.

Old Business

Irene Update

Christina Moore left a message that Halifax is still owed approximately $469k and she has closed out all of the books she can. The Deer Park permanent bridge has a balance left of $154k which will not be recouped until the appeal issue is resolved.

Holtz reported that the town clerk can adjust the status of the weight limits on the roads online. The weight limits for Hale Road bridge have timed out therefore there is currently no restriction now. Josh Road still has weight restrictions.

Purchasing Policy Revisions

Holtz reported that there was a meeting to revise the purchasing policy and they came up with a proposed draft. Items to be resolved and discussed further:

-Does the good standing clause cover insurance and bonding issues?

-Further discussion is needed on the outstanding liens and taxes item.

-Further discussion is needed regarding jumping from a $3k to $50k limit regarding posting bids to newspapers. Also consider consolidating categories to make things easier to administer.

-Need procedure for how to get on approved vendor list.

Bridge Guardrails

Edwards reported that she received notification from Rafus that the materials for the guardrails will be approximately $4k which will need to go out to bid, but the labor will be performed by the town road crew.

Old County North

The hydrology study has been completed by the State and passed to Holden Engineering. Edwards has the contact info for the state to pass to Holden Engineering as well. A meeting will be held with ANR at 11:00 on Thursday at the Old County North Bridge.


Personnel Policy Updates

After a brief discussion, the Selectboard agreed to work from the VLCT model policy for personnel at their 10/22 meeting. The cost for VLCT to review their policy would be $88/hr. If they use the model policy, there may not be any need to have VLCT review it.

Liaison Reports

Holtz presented a sample of an elastomeric coating. They may want to consider this type of material for the town garage roof issues.

Edwards attended a school board meeting where the vacancy was discussed. It was noted the it was the intention of the individual that was put on as a vacancy, that her position is that she is not leaving. It is not clear what the final determination will be.

Edwards reported that the Planning Commission/Zoning Board does not have a chairman yet.

Town Website Training

Bruno reported that she will be setting up a meeting for WordPress training for herself and Dow. The new website should be launching in early November. Bruno will train any other departments on WordPress at a later time. Bruno requested that the Selectboard ask Bob Teree to transfer the domain to the town. She noted that she has been in contact with him and he agreed to take care of the items needed to point the domain to the new WordPress site in the meantime.

VT Health Connect Forum

Edwards noted that there will be a VT Health Connect Forum on Monday November 4, 2013 from 7-9pm at the Whitingham Municipal Center in Jacksonville, VT.

Selectmen’s Order to Town Treasurer for bill payment

The order for payment of bills was completed and signed.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:12pm

Respectfully submitted,
Jessica Bruno
Selectboard Secretary